Dearborn plowshares


Any sources for shares for the old Ford/ Dearborn 2-bottom plows? When I was a kid gramps had a Dearborn labeled one, and I now have a Ford labeled one, looks like the same unit? In good shape except the shares are shot
Dearbord could mean either the blacksmith sharpen type of share or the blade type that Deaborm called their econimy plow. And I think Oliver shares fit it. I have heard the name reversed but I have the orignal littature and that is the way they are listed in it. I think Ploworx is the only place to get the blacksmith sharpen typr shares as he bought out all the tolling for the blacksmith sharpen except for horse drawn plows when the last company that was making them quit and was going to scrap of the tolling. Age is keeping me from rembering the name of the company that was going to quit making plow shares, The plows were avaible with 12. 14, or 16 bottoms except the schotch bottom that was only 10. So need type of share to help find them.
I have 2 for the 12in. double Dearborn plow. These are for the plow with the economy points. they are new, old stock from the Ford Dealer. I have had them for years and no longer have the plow. I want $60.00 for the pair. Northeast TN

I have a Dearborn 10-156 (14" two bottom), and I just ordered a set of NOS shins and shares from burchstoretractors. Look for Ford rather than Dearborn.

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