Deere Mechanical Lift Project


Just finished refurbing and installing the mechanical lift on the back of my 34 A. This is my second one, the first is on my 35 B so now they match!

Have never seen one, can you tell us more? More photos?
I am guessing that the PTO drives a shaft inside the center housing, and by stepping on the long pedals, it engages a friction plate that raises the arms, both sides at the same time. The short pedals lower the cultivators, each side independently?
Dan, That is pretty close. The clutch is much like the clutch used on a ground driven plow. The big pedal is both sides all the way up or down. The inside pedals raise one side at a time which is an option the power lift did not have. Below is a pic with the cover off.

Arnie Vohringer in Massachusetts had a B set up just like your A with the lift and the lights as well. He passed away a few years ago and that B went for around $2,200 with a parts lift at his auction. I still kick myself for not bidding more!

Sure is a neat set up and one you don't see often.
(quoted from post at 14:47:02 12/11/18) Arnie Vohringer in Massachusetts had a B set up just like your A with the lift and the lights as well. He passed away a few years ago and that B went for around $2,200 with a parts lift at his auction. I still kick myself for not bidding more!

Sure is a neat set up and one

For a tractor with those options, that is a pretty good price even in today's down tractor market.
I just mounted a similar lift on my '36B. I discover the cast shield came in two lengths, on for the B and a longer one for the A Unfortunately mine is too big so I guess I will fashion one unless I am fortunate enough to find the short one..
(quoted from post at 07:38:43 12/12/18) I just mounted a similar lift on my '36B. I discover the cast shield came in two lengths, on for the B and a longer one for the A Unfortunately mine is too big so I guess I will fashion one unless I am fortunate enough to find the short one..

Yep, they have the model cast into the on the bottom center. You can see the B on this one and A on the first posted pic. Everything else is the same. The cast chain cover is the hardest part to find. The one on the B was busted in half and had to be repaired, the one on the A is a reproduction.

(quoted from post at 07:38:43 12/12/18) I just mounted a similar lift on my '36B. I discover the cast shield came in two lengths, on for the B and a longer one for the A Unfortunately mine is too big so I guess I will fashion one unless I am fortunate enough to find the short one..

Id you still have the cover that does not fir your tractor I would gladly buy it from you. Please let me know. Thanks!


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