Farmall Collection at Auction in Saskatchewan

Crazy Horse

Well-known Member
Not sure if anyone has posted about this auction yet or not. Quite a collection of beautifully restored Farmall tractors ..... plus some very collectible Ford cars and trucks from the 30's. And a beauty from the 80's. Located in Cut Knife, Saskatchewan. Once into the site, scroll down and start with Lot #10. Remember those are Canadian dollars so most of the crowd here is looking at about 3/4 of the high bids in your US version ....

Not sure if anyone has posted about this auction yet or not. Quite a collection of beautifully restored Farmall tractors ..... plus some very collectible Ford cars and trucks from the 30's. And a beauty from the 80's. Located in Cut Knife, Saskatchewan. Once into the site, scroll down and start with Lot #10. Remember those are Canadian dollars so most of the crowd here is looking at about 3/4 of the high bids in your US version ....

I would like to have that mercury truck
I really like that body style of Ford. I currently have a 1996 with 285K on it. Getting very rusty though here in Michigan. Mine is the 4.9 6 cylinder/5 speed though. Would love to find a southern one to replace it. Problem is now they are sold as "classics" and want some $$$ for them. I just like them for a daily driver...

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