Ferguson TO35 Will Not Even Pull Start

When I turn on the key... nothing. Battery charged, connections cleaned, voltage at starter. I tried to pull it and it still will not fire??
You're pretty sparse on your information. "Turn on the key". What exactly does that mean? Will the starter turn over the engine? Turn over means the starter is turning over the engine. It does not mean the engine is starting. Some people are just not clear on that.
Is there spark at the spark plugs? Is gas getting through the carburetor? Is the air cleaner clean?
By "when I turn on the key.. I mean as always before it would engage the starter when the key is turned all the way to the right and when you release the key it has a spring that moves it back. The starter does not make a sound..... it does nothing. When I tow/pull the tractor... will not start. It ran all day...and I used it then went back to use it and zero. I do not remember, not ever being able to tow/pull the tractor to start it. The starter does not turn over.
By "when I turn on the key.. I mean as always before it would engage the starter when the key is turned all the way to the right and when you release the key it has a spring that moves it back. The starter does not make a sound..... it does nothing. When I tow/pull the tractor... will not start. It ran all day...and I used it then went back to use it and zero. I do not remember, not ever being able to tow/pull the tractor to start it. The starter does not turn over.
Does the engine turn over when you tow it?
By "when I turn on the key.. I mean as always before it would engage the starter when the key is turned all the way to the right and when you release the key it has a spring that moves it back. The starter does not make a sound..... it does nothing. When I tow/pull the tractor... will not start. It ran all day...and I used it then went back to use it and zero. I do not remember, not ever being able to tow/pull the tractor to start it. The starter does not turn over.
Start by checking and cleaning both ends of both battery cables and connection points. Then see if you have battery power to the switch. No power at the switch it isn't going to crank or start. No power at the switch, then back track from the switch to where its power comes from, likely the ammeter or battery post on the solenoid.
By "when I turn on the key.. I mean as always before it would engage the starter when the key is turned all the way to the right and when you release the key it has a spring that moves it back. The starter does not make a sound..... it does nothing. When I tow/pull the tractor... will not start. It ran all day...and I used it then went back to use it and zero. I do not remember, not ever being able to tow/pull the tractor to start it. The starter does not turn over.
In these situations it helps to understand how things work in order to troubleshoot the problem.

When you turn that key, a device called a solenoid connects battery power to the starter, causing it to turn. Since that is not happening you can conclude that battery power is not getting to the starter.

When the key is in the on/run position (where it is after it springs back) there is battery power going to the ignition coil to make the spark plugs spark. Since you are not having any luck pull-starting the tractor, you can suspect that the tractor does not have spark either.

When you have multiple problems like no-crank and no-spark, you look to the common causes. The battery is the first common thing both of these problems share, so start your troubleshooting there. Battery connections can corrode, cables can break from vibration.

Most likely it is simply a bad connection on the battery due to lack of maintenance. You have to clean your battery connections periodically.
I'm no wiring expert, but my Allis WD45 did that awhile back and it ended up being a bad ground. Possibly the key unit maybe bad? Luckily no computers to mess with. (y)
It’s a long shot on many old tractors but when it was running did it have working lights? If so that can be a way to test battery terminal connections. If they worked but don’t come on now you have likely lost a connection on a battery terminal. Cleaning the battery terminals as has been mentioned above it a good starting point. Then see if they come on, if they do you are making a step in the right direction.
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I am still looking for that one...
Start at the beginning, as I posted above, and work down the line. No sense checking point, condenser, plugs, carb, etc. until you know power is getting from the battery to the switch. To me a previously running tractor refusing crank with the starter or to run (or at least fire) when pulled is most likely a pretty basic electrical issue.

Do you have a test light and/or a V-O-M (handheld multimeter) and do you know how to use them?
Start at the beginning, as I posted above, and work down the line. No sense checking point, condenser, plugs, carb, etc. until you know power is getting from the battery to the switch. To me a previously running tractor refusing crank with the starter or to run (or at least fire) when pulled is most likely a pretty basic electrical issue.

Do you have a test light and/or a V-O-M (handheld multimeter) and do you know how to use them?
Yes, I have both and 12.73v fire at the new switch and 12.73v fire at the new solenoid, nothing on the out side of the new solenoid.
Yes, I have both and 12.73v fire at the new switch and 12.73v fire at the new solenoid, nothing on the out side of the new solenoid.
Make sure the tractor is in Neutral. Disconnect the small wire from the switch that energizes the solenoid. When you turn the key all the way to the right (start Position) do you have 12.73 volts at the solenoid end of the start wire coming from the switch? With the wire still unhooked, check to see if there is voltage at the small terminal on the solenoid. If you do you have the wrong solenoid for a switch that sends power to a solenoid.
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It’s a long shot on many old tractors but when it was running did it have working lights? If so that can be a way to test battery terminal connections. If they worked but don’t come on now you have likely lost a connection on a battery terminal. Cleaning the battery terminals as has been mentioned above it a good starting point. Then see if they come on, if they do you are making a step in the right direction.
No lights.
Make sure the tractor is in Neutral. Disconnect the small wire from the switch that energizes the solenoid. When you turn the key all the way to the right (start Position) do you have 12.73 volts at the solenoid end of the start wire coming from the switch? With the wire still unhooked, check to see if there is voltage at the small terminal on the solenoid. If you do you have the wrong solenoid for a switch that sends power to a solenoid.
yes, I have 12.73v at the solenoid coming from the ign switch and a new solenoid
No lights.

yes, I have 12.73v at the solenoid coming from the ign switch and a new solenoid
What is the voltage at the coil terminal with the wire from the switch when the points are open?

1. Was it running with the new switch and the new solenoid? 2. Or did you install those and now it won't not start? 3. Or did you install those after it would not start?

What are the brands and part numbers of your new solenoid and switch?

Did you do anything else besides the new ignition switch and solenoid?
No lights suggests to me that you may have a corroded connection under the dash such as the ammeter or the key switch. Those key switches do get corroded and go bad and the lights and wire to the solenoid are both connected there.

With the tractor in neutral and parking brake on, try shorting across the two main terminals on the starter solenoid to see if the starter kicks in and turns the engine over. Then you can check for spark with a plug wire barely pulled out and holding it with a rubber glove or insulated pliers.

A couple months ago I went through all this and the positive battery cable was corroded inside the terminal at the starter solenoid which was hard to see cause of the insulation. It still tested over 13 volts like the battery.

A pack rat may have gotten up under the dash and has been chewing on the wiring. Had that happen too.

Also while trying to key start it, hold the battery cable going to the starter solenoid with your hand to see if it gets hot which could be a sign of a short in the solenoid.

To rule out bad cells in the battery that still show voltage, try jump starting or changing the battery with your pickup. Time to quit.

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