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Maybe I'm not understanding some of this conversation, apologies if I am off base. I have nothing against anyone or their projects. Would merging the old threads be nice, sure. However, in the large view of things how much real gain is there in finding and merging old threads compared to time spent if it has to be done by a moderator or staff. What happens if a thread or two with important info isn't found and leaves a hole? To me, if a new project can be contained in a thread like a journal, within reason using the software as new posts are made and it is the author's responsibility to post into that thread, going forward that would be good. Chasing to find and consolidate previous threads/posts is not a good use of resources, start now (if possible) and forget looking back. JMHO.
Jim, I was suggesting that the poster takes on the responsibility, if it was feasible to do, and if they thought their project journal in its totality was worth their efforts. Otherwise, you make a good point of starting NOW, and not going back. However, some of these projects are currently ongoing, and it would have merit to bring the old parts forward to give the rest of the story. steve
Maybe I'm not understanding some of this conversation, apologies if I am off base. I have nothing against anyone or their projects. Would merging the old threads be nice, sure. However, in the large view of things how much real gain is there in finding and merging old threads compared to time spent if it has to be done by a moderator or staff. What happens if a thread or two with important info isn't found and leaves a hole? To me, if a new project can be contained in a thread like a journal, within reason using the software as new posts are made and it is the author's responsibility to post into that thread, going forward that would be good. Chasing to find and consolidate previous threads/posts is not a good use of resources, start now (if possible) and forget looking back. JMHO.
I had the same feeling Steve did about my past projects. It would be nice to bring them forward, but there it's not even a matter of locating and merging, it's all cut and paste. Chances are I will not get the time to do that, I could imagine it would take a week, and I can't imagine I have a week free any time in the near future. At the same time, I hope I do, because I meticulously documented many pitfalls I hit and came up with solutions where there were none (odd AC seals that simply don't exist anymore comes to mind).
Jim, I was suggesting that the poster takes on the responsibility, if it was feasible to do, and if they thought their project journal in its totality was worth their efforts. Otherwise, you make a good point of starting NOW, and not going back. However, some of these projects are currently ongoing, and it would have merit to bring the old parts forward to give the rest of the story. steve
I don't see that allowing individual posters the ability to move their posts around as manageable or a good thing. Maybe the poster presents a list of threads, the forums they are in, and the dates of them for a moderator to move.
No, I didn't mean that, just doing it for people on a special case basis if the mechanics of the forum admin tools and grouping of the specified posts were straight forward. For mine, I was talking about completely redoing it since it was never put in the forums, only the project journals.
I had the same feeling Steve did about my past projects. It would be nice to bring them forward, but there it's not even a matter of locating and merging, it's all cut and paste. Chances are I will not get the time to do that, I could imagine it would take a week, and I can't imagine I have a week free any time in the near future. At the same time, I hope I do, because I meticulously documented many pitfalls I hit and came up with solutions where there were none (odd AC seals that simply don't exist anymore comes to mind).
I can see the project journal scenario and think that is what one would create with cut and paste. Going forward I can see a journal where only the author makes all the posts in it. If they have a thread going and someone gives them info that helps, give that person credit in the journal How many times do just plain different ideas to reach the same end, cloud threads? Would entire threads be consolidated or the parts of a thread that actually moved it forward or explained something?

If you or a staff member is going to do the cut and paste on a case by case basis, there will likely not many that fit with being a complete project, I am guessing. I think it should be the responsibility of the author wanting the move threads to find and list them.
I can see the project journal scenario and think that is what one would create with cut and paste. Going forward I can see a journal where only the author makes all the posts in it. If they have a thread going and someone gives them info that helps, give that person credit in the journal How many times do just plain different ideas to reach the same end, cloud threads? Would entire threads be consolidated or the parts of a thread that actually moved it forward or explained something?

If you or a staff member is going to do the cut and paste on a case by case basis, there will likely not many that fit with being a complete project, I am guessing. I think it should be the responsibility of the author wanting the move threads to find and list them.
Comment can be nice. With the project journals, I set it up so the one owning the journal could delete others comments if they liked, or lock it from people giving comments. It's possible permissions exist to allow that in specific forum (i.e., thread starter controls the thread details). That will have to be researched. Some like comments, some would not. I do get you though how it clouds it, I've seen that when I've been looking through project threads and you have to skip over irrelevancies.
This is a TEST to see if a copy and paste inside a topic works: Jim, I was suggesting that the poster takes on the responsibility, if it was feasible to do, and if they thought their project journal in its totality was worth their efforts. Otherwise, you make a good point of starting NOW, and not going back. However, some of these projects are currently ongoing, and it would have merit to bring the old parts forward to give the rest of the story. steve Yes, it works. So any verbiage that I've put in another thread or post, I should be able to get, and move to consolidate into a project thread.
This is a TEST to see if a copy and paste inside a topic works: Jim, I was suggesting that the poster takes on the responsibility, if it was feasible to do, and if they thought their project journal in its totality was worth their efforts. Otherwise, you make a good point of starting NOW, and not going back. However, some of these projects are currently ongoing, and it would have merit to bring the old parts forward to give the rest of the story. steve Yes, it works. So any verbiage that I've put in another thread or post, I should be able to get, and move to consolidate into a project thread.
Photos work fine too with a drag and drop from your computer, but more importantly, probably copying and pasting from a post too. If it does work, it may not duplicate the photo on the system but point to the same already uploaded photo.
I can see the project journal scenario and think that is what one would create with cut and paste. Going forward I can see a journal where only the author makes all the posts in it. If they have a thread going and someone gives them info that helps, give that person credit in the journal How many times do just plain different ideas to reach the same end, cloud threads? Would entire threads be consolidated or the parts of a thread that actually moved it forward or explained something?

If you or a staff member is going to do the cut and paste on a case by case basis, there will likely not many that fit with being a complete project, I am guessing. I think it should be the responsibility of the author wanting the move threads to find and list them.
Wrong button.

I may be looking at this a bit different due to my work background. I had crews on remote maintenance projects and had to write daily progress reports giving details of the day, good and bad, those were sent to the client and my managers, I'd say they were like a thread. When the project finished I used those daily reports to make a project completion report with high lights of the things to have, do, and watch for the next time the project needed to be done. Those project completion reports I think would be like a journal. I just see the give and take that goes on in many threads, may need editing to make a concise meaningful journal.

Now if one keeps adding to a thread they start for a project and they only post to that thread for that project it will keep coming to the top, correct? So the number to be pulled together won't be many, if only ones prior to now are considered, I guess, but still would be time consuming.
This is a TEST to see if a copy and paste inside a topic works: Jim, I was suggesting that the poster takes on the responsibility, if it was feasible to do, and if they thought their project journal in its totality was worth their efforts. Otherwise, you make a good point of starting NOW, and not going back. However, some of these projects are currently ongoing, and it would have merit to bring the old parts forward to give the rest of the story. steve Yes, it works. So any verbiage that I've put in another thread or post, I should be able to get, and move to consolidate into a project thread.
So you are suggesting you, for example, would go back through your old posts about a project and copy parts of them and pictures then paste them into a new thread you author just for that project, basically making a journal in that thread. I don't think there is anything stopping one from doing such. Controlling commenting as Chris mentioned would be a concern.
Wrong button.

I may be looking at this a bit different due to my work background. I had crews on remote maintenance projects and had to write daily progress reports giving details of the day, good and bad, those were sent to the client and my managers, I'd say they were like a thread. When the project finished I used those daily reports to make a project completion report with high lights of the things to have, do, and watch for the next time the project needed to be done. Those project completion reports I think would be like a journal. I just see the give and take that goes on in many threads, may need editing to make a concise meaningful journal.

Now if one keeps adding to a thread they start for a project and they only post to that thread for that project it will keep coming to the top, correct? So the number to be pulled together won't be many, if only ones prior to now are considered, I guess, but still would be time consuming.
That's true, as I was pointing out, a lot of chit chat in one's documentation of their project can muddle it a bit, but people do like commenting on progress which is part of the community feel. Guess it goes both ways.

Yes, it will pop to the top for those not running the filter. That is a part of sharing the progress you are making for the here and now, the other part is sharing it in it's entirety after it's done.

I will look into the flexibility of the permissions because as mentioned further up, we could have a forum just for that purpose which has special permissions granted to the thread owner.

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