Ford 2000 wires crossed


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I have a 1967 Ford 2000 three cylinder gas tractor. The firing order is 1-2-3, but I don’t know which spark plug wires plugs into which spot on the distributor cap. How do I find out which is number 1?
The tractor has been running since I bought it a couple weeks ago, but not running very smooth. Then it died and I was not getting fire to all my plugs, so I rebuilt my distributor and replaced the cap and dust cover and new wires and plugs. Before I took it apart, I noted the order of the wires on the distributor cap and they were in the order of 1-3-2. I’ve tried all three 1-2-3 orders and it only runs in one of those orders, but it’s awful and far worse than before. Please help.
Get number 1 on compression stroke and rotate til you timing marks line up. Look where your rotor is pointing on which cap terminal, and that should be #1. Then make sure you install the next wires accordingly, and make sure you know which way the distributer rotates, as in 1,2,3 could become 1,3,2.
Pull out number one spark plug. Turn it over till the piston is at TDC on compression remove cap and look where the rotor is pointing and direction it is turning. Then plug your wires in and done.

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