Ford Half Cab Canvas and Frame

'Photo filesizes should be less than 300K and Videos, less than 2MB. Formats allowed are gif, jpg, png, ogg, mp4, mov, and avi. Be sure to use filenames without spaces or special characters, and filetypes of 3 digits lower case.'

i suspect your issue is in the quote above. as far as i know, there is no longer a minimum number of posts required.

are you trying to add pics directly to the post? if so, they are almost certainly too large ( > 300K )
(quoted from post at 17:40:32 11/26/23)
Pics won t post for some reason. Help?
don't know if the requirement to post 5 times before you can upload a picture is in effect. There are two possibilities. You got something wrong, or you do need five posts. One of the things that you can get wrong is posting an image from a website that has an address that this site's algorithm sees as a competitor's website. If that's the case, download the image as a jpg and post the copy from your computer.

First, in order to answer the question we need to know what exactly you did.

The way to post images from your computer is to:
Click on [b:6384ee732c]Browse[/b:6384ee732c], which is somewhere down the page just below [b:6384ee732c]Upload Photos/Videos[/b:6384ee732c]
A file explorer window should pop up.
You then select the file and click on [b:6384ee732c]open[/b:6384ee732c].
A thumbnail will appear below browse and the file will show up in your message with img in brackets at the bottom of the box where you have been typing your message like this:
I uploaded an image and then added _ between the '[' and 'img' to get the html code to display instead of the image.

To post an image from an internet site, you copy the image address, click on the [b:6384ee732c]img[/b:6384ee732c] button above, paste the url and click the [b:6384ee732c]img[/b:6384ee732c] button again.

If the 5 post limit is real, make three more comments on innocuous threads.

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