Full Elevator

Part Time Pete

Well-known Member
The guy I help with hay was taking the corn off the farm next to ours, and I asked him why so late - he said his bins are full and the elevator isn't taking any because they're full too. The corn is standing pretty well so far, but he's got a couple hundred acres to go. This is central NY and there's only one local elevator


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The guy I help with hay was taking the corn off the farm next to ours, and I asked him why so late - he said his bins are full and the elevator isn't taking any because they're full too. The corn is standing pretty well so far, but he's got a couple hundred acres to go. This is central NY and there's only one local elevator
Tell him to see if Andy Hourigan has room.
The guy I help with hay was taking the corn off the farm next to ours, and I asked him why so late - he said his bins are full and the elevator isn't taking any because they're full too. The corn is standing pretty well so far, but he's got a couple hundred acres to go. This is central NY and there's only one local elevator
Cheap storage as long as it don't go down. RB
The guy I help with hay was taking the corn off the farm next to ours, and I asked him why so late - he said his bins are full and the elevator isn't taking any because they're full too. The corn is standing pretty well so far, but he's got a couple hundred acres to go. This is central NY and there's only one local elevator
How far away is southern Cayuga County from you? Does the guy have a semi to run to Union Springs. DuMond is the name of the elevator. I've never done business there but they are in Bob Bancroft's back yard.
Where I live it’s a bother if you have to go more than 10 miles to an elevator - you might want to go much farther than that for a better price, but close options are the norm.

The negative here is 50% of what we grow is exported to a coast, so we don’t get big bucks for our grain. End users don’t have to pay too much. Relatively.

Watch a few YouTubers from over in New York area, you folk sure had a tough fall. Here it is a bad deal to leave corn out in the field after thanksgiving, sometimes earlier than that the deep snows and strong winds have a 50-50 chance of messing up the crop, and the wet springs from snow melt you can’t get back in to harvest until it’s already time to plant again. This year not withstanding.
We're between Cooperstown and Oneonta. He hauls with all straight trucks, so it get's expensive to go far. The elevator is hoping to get some moved out this week
Early in the harvest season it seemed to rain every other day, so they got set back
We're between Cooperstown and Oneonta. He hauls with all straight trucks, so it get's expensive to go far. The elevator is hoping to get some moved out this week
Early in the harvest season it seemed to rain every other day, so they got set back
Tractor trailers here in southern Cayuga county looking for work. They have hauled some here from the Norwich area.
Sounds like he needs a bin for surge space. Like that even wet corn up to about 20 percent moisture can be binned with success if it is not left till warm weather. You can fill then draw off as the weather will not let you pick. Or on weekends when they are closed. That is what we do with about 25,000 bushel in 3 bins on 2 places. The one place is one big field of around 200 acres with the bin on that place we use it for surge and haul out or hire hauled while we fill or as we need space during a weekend then can load out later. Doesn't solve it all but helped a lot this year and we plowed fields with the combine tires this year.
Sounds like he needs a bin for surge space. Like that even wet corn up to about 20 percent moisture can be binned with success if it is not left till warm weather. You can fill then draw off as the weather will not let you pick. Or on weekends when they are closed. That is what we do with about 25,000 bushel in 3 bins on 2 places. The one place is one big field of around 200 acres with the bin on that place we use it for surge and haul out or hire hauled while we fill or as we need space during a weekend then can load out later. Doesn't solve it all but helped a lot this year and we plowed fields with the combine tires this year.
It never got cold around NY this winter. Might be an unpleasant surprise putting 20 plus percent corn in a bin this year.

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