Getting transmission forks aligned

DD in WA

Removed the tranny cover to replace the gasket as it leaked pretty bad. Got it all back together, backed it out of the shed just fine. Went thru the gears and now seems to be stuck in 4th or 5th. If shifter is in neutral it'll go likes its in a high gear. If shifter is in any gear (not neutral) it won't go as I assume it's in two gears at the same time. I assume I need to take it all back apart. So my question: is there any trick or any easy way to make sure the forks are properly aligned in the gear slots when I put the cover back on? It was a real bugger getting it back on last time and I assume I didn't get the 4/5 fork in the slot.

BTW: everything worked fine before

It had to be aligned OK when you first moved it or it wouldn't have moved. Probably stuck in a gear because the shifting parts are worn enough to allow it to happen. That happens on the old Farmalls as they
wear. Some of the old farmers use to replace the pivot pin with a bolt and get more mileage of of the shifting mechanism. My 43 H is like that. The correct way is to rebuild the end of the shifter. I've never
done it but I'm sure somebody will come along and explain it better than me.
I would pull the shifter and check that all three shift
rails are aligned. Drill a small hole in the left expansion
plug at the top of the shift tower to screw a metal
screw in. If it is long enough it may just hit the pin an
force the plug right out. Or you may end up using a
hammer or crow bar to remove it. Then drive the pin
out to the right which knocks out the other plug. Pull
the shift lever and give it a look. If that was the
problem flatten out the expansions plugs a bit and
drive them back in. A little dab of RTV will seal the hole
you drilled. If others do not chime in about welding up
the shifter to eliminate this problem I will be back with
that after I eat my dinner. Of course if they are aligned
the top comes back off.
You can buy that socket and new cross shaft. i got mine from Charlies Repair, Austin Minn.Cell. is 507 438 8172. I am not related or owner , hes just a supplier
If you find the shift forks are lined up, when you pull the belt pulley or the plate if you do not have a BP, then you will be able to see if the shift fork is properly engaged in the 4th and 5th sliding gear. I am linking a previous post that shows dimensions to go by to weld up and grind down the shifter tip to the proper profile.
Post with shifter dimensions
Pulled the shifter and the rails were not aligned so that's good news - I don't have to pull the cover. I was able to get them all lined up with a big screw driver. Here's a pic of the business end of the shifter. Looks pretty worn...think I need to get it welded?
Thanks everyone for your help, you saved me a lot of work and from going down the wrong path. I got the tip of the shifter welded and reinstalled and all works as it is good!
I just had to build up the shifter on my SuperM. 2nd time in 43 years(bought in '80) that I have had to do that.
(quoted from post at 00:22:32 01/25/23) glad you got it fixed. looked like some metal mice were chewing on the end of that one.

What's the deal with quality these days? I mean that shifter has only been in there for 81 years and it's already worn-out!

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