Greenville illinois show


I am on vacation in mo. for the week and plan on stopping at this show on my way home to my. I saw the location on my way down. I see in the heritage iron and on the sign that the feature is mm/white. Is anyone going? Does this show get a good turnout?
I have never been there, but hope to sometime. I have heard it is good show. there is also one at Altamont, about 50 mile on east, on I70.
I plan on being there on Saturday to pull with my "U" in the super farm class. Been a couple years since I have been there, but I always thought it was a nice little show.
The 2012 American Farm Heritage Museum’s Heritage Days are Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, July 27-29. Ollie Schaefer said they have a great lineup of events scheduled for this year’s Heritage Days. Minneapolis Moline is the featured tractor this year. To compliment it, they have included Olivers and Whites. On the other side of the building, vintage trucks will be displayed. Trains will be running, there will be many vendors, the barrel train will be out for the kids, and there will be a petting zoo. They will have three days of pedal pulls for the children. There will be live music all three days of the festival. There will be tractor pulls Friday night and all day Saturday, and Sunday there will be 4-wheel drives and trucks. There will also be a car show and church service Sunday. Admission is $7.00 per person, and children under the age of 10 are free. The event will be open Friday from 10:00 a.m. - dark, Saturday, from 8:00 a.m. - dark, and Sunday, from 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 or 4:00 p.m. For more information, visit
American Farm Heritage Museum

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