Happy Birthday to my 411!

Happy birthday to my Case 411, one of 1708 built in 1956 in Racine, Wisconsin. Four months later, it left the Case factory and headed 350 miles south to the Case dealer in Highland, Illinois, 10 miles from my family's farm. A farmer bought it to farm near Nashville, IL. Some 40+ years later, it was sold at that original buyer's estate auction. The second owner moved it up to Okawville, Illinois, to his farm.
In March 2019, I bought it and moved it north within 24 miles of where it was built. Sixty-eight years old today and enjoying its retired life.


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nice brother to my 411. mine is 2318 builds earlier


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Well done, your "411" is a keeper! Looks like you keep her limbered up too! I have one also, it was my Dads yard tractor up at his lake home, I bought it from the estate. Glad I did
Well done, your "411" is a keeper! Looks like you keep her limbered up too! I have one also, it was my Dads yard tractor up at his lake home, I bought it from the estate. Glad I did
As mentioned this was my Dads tractor after he retired, I really haven't changed much yet, but I do know I'm looking for 38" rims.


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