Harbor Frieght Deal


Well. . . It's time to split the Cub and put a new clutch in. As this is my first split I didn't have all the tools needed anymore (thanks Ex-wife) So Dad and I run to Harbor freight to pick up a two ton shop crane to roll the front end away. We grab some other stuff. You know, because it's a tool store. We tell the cashier what we need and she calls a manger for the sku number, types it in and says the manager will bring it right out. Okay no problem. The manager wheels the thing out to our trailer and the whole time acting ------ that she was bothered to do her job. So we get in the jeep and check our reciept. Instead of charging us 225.00 she gave the cashier a sku number for a fifty dollar cutter or something. So, we set there debating to on whether to go back in and fix it. And decide to go back in so a cashier doesn't get fired or something. As we walk in the door the manager is still there and is real pissy "Oh, did you forget something." "Nope" dad and I reply in unison as we turn back around and leave. Long story short the difference in price damn near paid for the clutch kit.
You had the chance to do the right thing and what did you do?
You are no more honest than a thief in the night.
Are you proud?
I bet if you went back another day they would have a completely different attitude. There was probably something else going on there you will never know what.
Yea, I can't imagine here keeping her job if her customers were treated like that on a daily basis. I've worked customer service and the customer has to come first what ever the heck is going on beyond that. She had her chance to read a book right, theen again when she rolled it and reread the sku to the cashier, and then again when we tried to comeback and fix it.
I am sure glad that you feel proud. Maybe you'll find someone that thinks you made the right choice? Sure won't be me! 😡
Don't be to quick to judge, you are not walking in her shoes. I am sure you yourself have had some trying days. After all you did mention you have an ex-wife. That right there says you are not perfect either. I agree with SDE, you just stole from HF and feel you have the right to complain about her attitude. Mute point.
I'm gonna have to partially side with you. If her attitude costs her something out of her paycheck,maybe she'll straighten out. Bad day or not,I'm fed up to the gills with people who are supposed to be in customer service giving bad service. If she doesn't want a job where she has to deal with the public,maybe she should try to get a job in a fire watch tower.
If that was the price she gave you and you paid it,then that was the price. It's not like you wrote a check for less than they told you and got away with it was it?
Several years ago bought trans adapter for floor jack there. Thought kinda heavy got home with it ,opened box 2 of them in box. Day or so later went back with extra one and they acted po,d that I brought it back.
RRlund, exactl,y we had so much we didn't notice till we got to the vehicle. They have MY C.C. and phone number if they find it and want to fix it fine.
What goes around comes around. Someday someone will steel from you and you better just say "? guess I deserved it". I worked in retail for a number of years and you wouldn't believe how difficult it is to be in their shoes some days. Whatever the case, I would go give them the money. Small compromises can lead to bigger compromises. I sure hope you didn't have any kids with. What kind of example would that be to them. Steeling is OK as long as you have an excuse?
IMHO - in this circumstance, I'd have walked away too.

I've had plenty of sales/stores act like they were doing me a favor doing business with me. Generally happy as a clam when my wallet is open, ready to screw me when I come back for a question or service. The attitude is the deal breaker for me.

Not just with stores.

A few years ago, my Wife and I were going down a rural road where just a few hundred yards ahead is a goat farm. Just before we passed the place, I saw a herd of 20-25 goats out of the fence and ready to cross the guard rail and cross and into the road shoulder where the green grass was (and probably beyond). We pulled down the lane at the farm to the house, big dog came out barking like crazy and a lady came storming out of the house DEMANDING what we "wanted". I told her, your goats are out of the fence and heading for the road - thought you should know. The foul b#%*h yelled, "we'll take care of it." No thanks, no nothing but ATTITUDE as we drove away, I asked my Wife, "what are we going to do next time the goats are out?" She said. "Keep on driving." My feelings exactly.

If the manager, as you say, had a disrespectful attitude as you imply, I'd have done the exact thing.

My issue is not what you did.
My issue is with vulgarity, the coarsening of our dialogue and people who are too lazy to learn to use better language - especially on a family oriented forum.
The word pissy could be replaced by a host of other adjectives.
Here are a few that you might consider using when you post here.
Tempermental, irritable, impatient, fickle, ornery, in a bad mood, angry, mercurial, touchy, petulant, contumacious, atrabilious, grouchy and mean.
I meta lot of thieves during my two decades of police service, but I don 't think I have ever known one to brag about it on a public forum.

You don't even seem to realize how wrong you were. Maybe some day a burglar will find your shop and clean you out of tools. I almost hope so.
Don't mean to be critical or a wise guy, but just because the manager acted out of line didn't give you the ok to take advantage of a mistake that was made.

I have a thought that I try to live by---I don't want anything that is not mine, but I do want what is mine.

If the rolls were reversed you would have wanted Harbor Freight to refund your money if you had been overcharged.

What it all boils down to, is you are the one who has to look at himself in the mirror every morning.

Just my thoughts, but this would eat on my mind every day until I made this right.
All y'all slow down a bit. Mongo made the correct decision to go back into the store to the cashier and manager and make it right, despite the bad attitudes displayed toward them by these Harbor Freight personnel. Mongo had even entered again into Harbor Freight when he and his father were verbally assaulted by the manager.
Mongo was told how much to pay and paid it. Cashier and Manager were rude to Mongo. Manager delivered the item to Mongo in the parking lot, and was rude. Mongo looked at the receipt and saw the mistakes made by the cashier. Mongo made the decision to go back into the store in an attempt to correct the mistakes on the receipt made by the cashier. Upon re-entering the store, THE MANAGER WAS RUDE TO THE CUSTOMER! And Mongo and his father left.
The manager and the cashier were rude to Mongo on at least THREE OCCASIONS!
All y'all get off your high horses before you get thrown!!! Mongo did nothing wrong except that he did not leave HARBOR FREIGHT because of HARBOR FREIGHT PERSONNEL BEING RUDE TO PAYING CUSTOMERS!!!!!


That cost the lady who was out of line exactly nothing. It cost Harbor Freight money. Therefore in a very small way those of us who go in and pay the correct price will have to subsidize for what everyone who was involved in this situation did. The buyers, the cashier, and the store manager.

Same deal as shoplifters, we who pay also pay for the shoplifters.
A thieve is a thieve no matter how you look at it but then again some people don't have a conscious.
Wow, I guess if anyone who is involved in business does something we don't like or approve of means we don't have to pay our bills. If that is the case people who buy on credit are off the hook for their bills if someone is not 100% polite. I don't think you are right, but we all have our right to express our opinions.
I reread the original post twice more. I still don't see where the o.p. says the cashier was rude, just the manager.
I have to agree with old Bob.
Someone has to pay for the mistake... the cashier or manager, out of their paycheck, or every customer, through higher prices to conversing losses.
Actually they would have a hard time prosecuting anyone for that. They didn't steal anything. They paid for an item and were charged the wrong price so it's the stores error. Had they not looked at the receipt they never would have known. I've never heard of anyone being prosecuted because of a store error.

Now as far as personal integrity is concerned? No it isn't honest. But most of us have a sense of revenge and will take that revenge if the opportunity is presented.

When I was an NCO we had Officer/NCO professional development classes once a week. At one the Battalion Commander got up set 2 cans of pop on a desk and said that he had a dilemma. He claimed to have stopped to get a pop, put money in a machine and had gotten 2 pops instead of one. His dilemma? Do you think yourself lucky or do you contact the vending company and either pay for the extra pop or return it. He proceeded to call on people to answer that question. The first 15 or so people gave the answer they thought he wanted to hear, that they would contact the vendor. When he called on me I told him that I would consider myself lucky and either drink it myself or give it to a friend. I was excused from class but my fellow NCO's told me later that he chewed into them because I was the only guy who told him the truth. Would it have been stealing? I would have honestly put money in expecting to get what I paid for, 1 pop. Is it my fault that the machine malfunctioned?

As far as the cashier being in trouble? How? They don't do inventory daily. And they won't catch that error until they complete and inventory. And there will be know way to figure out when that item came up missing and no, they will not spend many man hours tracking what really is an inexpensive item. Most likely what they will do in that store, depending on total shrinkage, is increase security believing that an item that large was stolen by an employee.

Had something happened to me I would most likely never have known. I'd have gotten my change and the receipt, stuck them in my wallet and gone home. I kinda keep track of what I'm buying by thinking "I'm under X dollar amount". If I go over that I look at the receipt. If not I go home and toss it in the receipt box and never look at again until tax time. The only time something like that happened to me was with a set of lifters for an engine. They came in a box of 8 with each one being in it's own smaller box. They scanned the big box, charged me 7.95 for one and then the rest of the stuff I was picking up. I noticed it about 6 months later at tax time. The parts store had closed it's doors shortly after I bought them so I never had the opportunity to make it right. In that case I knew I was going to spend somewhere between 400 and 500 dollars that day. Total price was just over 400.

Isn't there a book someplace that says something about judging people?

You didn't steal from the manager, you stole from Harbor Freight raising their overhead which they need to reflect in their prices. You didn't even bother to tell her she made an error. Attitude is a matter of perception. Don't see what is so horrible about her asking if you forgot something when you went back in the store.
My late Uncle was an electrical contractor and also installed some hydronic heating systems.

Back in the early 70's he picked up supplies at a plumbing wholesaler in Grand Forks for a job at a new house, a boiler, heating baseboards, pipe, fittings, and several circulating pumps.

When he got the bill he went over it and noticed he had been charged something like $14.95 each for the pumps, which probably wholesaled for about $120 at the time.

He called in and they were real snotty about it, but grudgingly billed him the extra several hundred dollars.

Over a year later he bought another pump and was charged the same, incorrect low price. That time he did not bother to argue with them about it. It made no sense, they couldn't POSSIBLY have sold dozens or hundreds of those pumps at the wrong price for that long. Or could they?

ANOTHER example, in the 80's I repaired a 730 John Deere transmission. While looking for parts I inquired about a tractor in the area that was not being used. Turned out it had EXACTLY the same transmission problem, the reason it was parked.

I got the parts from a certain tractor boneyard at Anamoose, ND.

Then, the owner of the second tractor asked if I could repair it as well.

So, back to Anamoose with the same parts list, the crab at the counter wrote it up and came up with a number that was several hundred dollars less. I said "could you have made a mistake in adding, that sounds like it's not enough". I got my sorry butt thoroughly chewed and almost got thrown out the door with my parts.

The better part of a year later, the owner called me and said I owed him money, 'cause they'd gone through a bunch of old slips and re-added 'em and caught the error. (Rude, of course.)

I told him what had happened and that I was told it was correct and at this point it would be a could day in the pits of hell when I sent him more money.

Was I wrong?
I went to their "Main" main top secret corporate site and its all in Chinese so I couldn't read it very well and took it over to a neighbor's house who has a Chinese friend that interpreted it for me. As I understand it, they have a "discretionary in store" sale where any store manager can offer better deals than marked on items, so you actually paid more than you could have. Seems to me that you got taken to the cleaners, so if I were you I'd let it be a wash. Even Steven, all is good, you're in the clear as far as I can understand it. Let this be a lesson to you for the future.

Funny thing is that if you were to ask ever thief you meet why he steals,99.9% can offer an excuse that justify's stealing in their own mind. After he was imprisioned,Al Capone was reported to have said he didn't think he did anything wrong. I certainly agree that many people act inapproperatly toward people that pay their wages,beit retail,fast food or government agencies. Does it cross my mind to return the favor by socking it to them,yes it does. Do I have the answer,no but I feel better when I take time to pray for better times. I urge you to quitly meditate the situation then do what you think is best for you personally. It's never to late to set things straight,NEVER! If making mistakes was a hanging offense,very few if any of us would be here to devil you over your's.
I had a similar incident at work with Sears. They sent a flyer out that listed a Craftsman tool set that was a pretty good deal and we were building a tool kit for or technician out in the jail and buffing up the kits for the other 2 guys. I went to our local sears authorized dealer and they didn't have them, it was a mail order deal only. I ordered the tools, it was an arduous process and I had to give them our tax number about 3 times and jump through several hoops. Finally I got everything ordered and over the next few days the orders started trickling in. The last box that came was the $29 dollar screwdriver and pliers set. I thought the box was a little big, when I opened it up I found that the Sears warehouse gets these tool kits in case lots of 3 and they shipped me a case of three rather than the one I ordered. The local Sears authorized retailer couldn't do much, as there was only one on our account the could only accept one for credit, I could give them the two extras but they admitted all they would do was put them on the shelf and sell them and stick the money in their pocket. I tried dealing with Sears catalog sales but to economize they really cut back on staff and after an hour on the phone I still hadn't talked to a real live person and they didn't have a robo-menu option for "we sent you too much stuff and didn't bill you for it" One of those tool kits was still in the supply closet when I left 7 years later. So yes I guess I stole 2 $29 Craftsman screwdriver and plier tool kit sets from Sears, so the secrets out we know why Sears is dying, it's not the poor customer service, declining quality of their merchandise or outdated stores it's because I stole $58 dollars of tools from them 11 years ago. But hey they saved money on customer service and warehouse associates and I didn't have to pay to ship two sets of tools I didn't order back to Sears.

I also had an incident about 20 years ago where I was trying to get a flow meter for our waste water system to work. In it's previous incarnation it was reporting to a chart recorder that would graph flow on the chart and record total gallons on the margin of the chart every 15 minutes or so. That wouldn't work now, we moved the meter and there was no good place for the chart recorder so I needed the meter to read out total number of gallons and someone would read the meter daily and record flow. This meant I needed a pulse counter and a display, the cost was about $1,800 and I ordered them from some folks in Memphis. About 2 weeks later the order shows up directly from the manufacturer and it's a pulse counter and a new meter, same size as mine but in stainless steel instead of epoxy and probably worth around $3,000. But the paperwork and tag on the meter indicate it's the display. I spoke with the folks in Memphis who sold it to us. They came up and looked the situation over and informed me that it would be quite a deal if I just paid the invoice, but we agreed if I re-ordered the display it would be very likely I would end up with another meter and not the display I needed. They took the meter back and about a week later my display showed up, I never knew if they sent the meter back or it ended up in inventory in Memphis, free on their books waiting to be sold, or if they sent it back to the manufacturer and got them to fix the warehouse problem.
Want to make it right? Make out a check,send it straight to the corporate office with a nice letter explaining the whole thing and naming names. That would be the right thing to do financially and ethically.

What's a person supposed to do anymore,carry a pocket full of Snickers bars? "Here,have a Snickers. You're not yourself when you're hungry.". Maybe not a bad idea. I just might get a bag of minis and put them in my truck,then put some in my pocket before I enter a store.

Used to be,when everything was locally owned,stuff like that just wasn't tolerated. The owner was right there. Rude employees were sacked. Everybody knows they can get away with treating customers like that these days,so they do it. I know full well I'm not the only one who's sick to death of it.

Two days a year I have to sit on a board who's entire reason for existence is to listen to people complain about their property tax assessments. The first time it gets so bad that I can't treat everybody with respect,that's the day I'll quit. It's been 20 years and I haven't needed to be nasty with anybody yet.
Okay update, Called the store where it was purchased. explained the story. It ended up being the same manger from yesterday evening. She remembered me and said, 'yea, I remember loading it." read the reciept number and she looked it up. the computer has a wrong sku number. she said she sold at least three of those at that price. Because I called she gave me the membership discount" (not sure what that is.) but it was a 10% discount from the original price so I still got a discount. reread her the c.c. over the phone and all is well. She said they wouldn't have known anything was wrong till they did a 6 month inventory. She also said we wouldn't believe how many thing are messed up in their system. sounds like someone in corporate isn't doing data entry very well.
Amazing, not only do you and your BC feel justified in stealing a can of pop because of a vending machine mistake, you try to paint yourselves as the only two honest guys in the room.
Thank you. And after a night to sleep on it, I'm sure I was distracted because my cub died and of course when I really needed it. So that didn't help the situation.
We have some good honest folks here, but it seems like some of the HONEST ones tell of breaking a Craftsman ratchet while using it to remove tractor wheels using a piece of pipe for a cheater then taking it to Sears for a replacement. Or how about that old broken socket you found in the toolbox of an old combine? My sermon of the day, but I am not taking the offering today!
(quoted from post at 09:38:27 04/17/16) Want to make it right? Make out a check,send it straight to the corporate office with a nice letter explaining the whole thing and naming names. That would be the right thing to do financially and ethically.

What's a person supposed to do anymore,carry a pocket full of Snickers bars? "Here,have a Snickers. You're not yourself when you're hungry.". Maybe not a bad idea. I just might get a bag of minis and put them in my truck,then put some in my pocket before I enter a store.

Used to be,when everything was locally owned,stuff like that just wasn't tolerated. The owner was right there. Rude employees were sacked. Everybody knows they can get away with treating customers like that these days,so they do it. I know full well I'm not the only one who's sick to death of it.

Two days a year I have to sit on a board who's entire reason for existence is to listen to people complain about their property tax assessments. The first time it gets so bad that I can't treat everybody with respect,that's the day I'll quit. It's been 20 years and I haven't needed to be nasty with anybody yet.

I always handle rude employees by talking to a manager, no exceptions. Rude managers? I get online and email their boss. You would not believe the what happens most often. I generally get a reply saying that they will address the problem and get offered coupons or a certificate for a 10% or so discount to use in their stores. I know for certain that one employee was canned after a complaint.

I've had one problem with a tax assessment. I went to the county with receipts for 2 new small windows I installed along with photos. The windows were 70 bucks each and I couldn't understand why the assessor said that they increased the value of my house 15K. They fixed it right away. No problem and the people in the assessors office acted like they were doing their job, not like they were doing me a favor!

Most likely you paid "cost" and they lost their "profit".

I'm not going to condemn you as others have because I do not judge.And I do not know what I would have done because I was not there. my 0.02
Dunno - ain't gonna judge what you did....I have been there....

A few years back - 15 or so - Country General Stores in the Midwest were going out of business. They had most stuff marked down 60% - 70% at the time. We happened to find a complete Farmstar PHD (with an auger) sitting on a pallet. We loaded it up into our cart and headed to cashier. At the going rate it SHOULD have cost us $120. The cashier charged us a whole $1.20. We told her that it can't be right, she checked, said it was correct. We even talked to the manager, who ALSO said it was correct. Since we couldn't convince them, we shrugged our shoulders and headed for the parking lot....

I still use that PHD every year - it's actually hooked up to the tractor now....
If they are making 30% their cost is probably about $175. When I managed a lumber yard, we were very happy if we could mark things up 35%.
My body hurt so bad this am I listened to a baptist minister on television , drank coffee then turned on yesterdays tractor. Next Sunday maybe I should just turn on yesterdays tractor for all religious insite .Come on all you self perfect people. How many of you Merchandising police report to your boss to deduct some from your pay if you are not feeling up to perfection to give a FULL days work? Well stealing is stealing . If you are self employed when deduction travel expenses report that just maybe a portion of the trip was spent getting a cup of coffee at some restaurant? Come on if you drove even a few feet extra did you take that off your expenses? Maybe when buying parts you included a cold beverage or a candy bar from the parts counter? I am not saying either way what dashund should have or not have done. Just thinking whose place is it to judge him.Let the first one who has never STOLEN a few moments to answer a phone call, or put a candy bar on parts bill cast the first TOOL.
Personally, I believe it's best to do the right thing because it's the right thing, not because it's expedient, handy, "you got caught doing wrong", etc. If you had to ask you probably know you should not keep the money. It's a decision you will have to live with and explain to young ones that will ask you later. Mike
Yep,some of the same outraged individuals who say that if they found a tree stand on their land,they'd sell it on Craigslist.
Not arguing with you here cause I don't understand the point you are making. But
I don't get your analogy - don't understand how the deer stand is similar to what the op did.
I bought a bunch of parts, mufflers, etc from a farm store that was going out of business. A few days later I was looking over the bill and was charged 200 for a 20 dollar muffler. No one to eat that but me.
The same folks who would take something that doesn't belong to them,and sell it just because it was on their land are crying "thief" over something being paid for after the manager priced it out.
There was another post a while back over the whole tree stand issue. A bunch of tough big talkers who said they would sell it on Craigslist,when I made the argument that the right thing to do was lay it down with a note on it.
A lot of people showed who they are. Some stepped up to the plate and did Right. There are a lot of good people here.
I have been In the same situation and have hopefully done right. I am a sinner just like the rest of the world. I try to be more like the only sinless person who came to this world. Not like the ones who crucified him.
Boy,that takes me back. LOL
When my daughter was a teenager,the boys used to come around and call on the phone,way more than I liked. About 9 o'clock one night a boy came to the door. I was none to pleasant to him,told him it was 9 o'clock and he didn't need to be here that late. He kind of stammered "Your cows are out".

I sure had egg on my face over that one.
I'll tell this story too about shoplifting. My wife's step mother worked at WalMart as a cashier. A woman was in the checkout line with her kid. The kid picked up a candy bar and put it in his pocket. When she totaled things up,she told the woman that she had charged her for the candy bar that her son took too. The woman threw such a huge fit,that she ended up loosing her job over the whole deal,just for the price of a candy bar. If you think these retail establishments give a rats rear end about shoplifting,guess again.
I was checking out of WalMart one time myself. I bought a box of Prilosec. I told the cashier to make sure it did whatever it was supposed to do so it didn't set off the detector at the door when I went out because I'd had that problem at another store before. She told me not to worry about it,those scanners hadn't been turned on in years.
I gave up on this forum being something kids could read years ago . Ther're those who can write foul words with every trick.

I'm with Randy, you are not to be totally condemned. You went back and made the effort to do the right thing and were rebuffed. I owned and operated a small business for 25 years and I was always responsible for my employees.
Y'all missing the point. Mongo made the attempt to correct the cashier's mistake. Harbor freight manager was again rude to him when he attempted to re-enter the store. To me, that clears Mongo. The internal receipt will show the correct price for the SKU number that was given to the cashier by the manager. Inventory count will show an "extra" item on that SKU number, and a "missing" item on the other. The discrepancy probably will not be caught until inventory time and an inventory discrepancy will be made.

I've had plenty of sales/stores act like they were doing me a favor doing business with me. Generally happy as a clam when my wallet is open, ready to screw me when I come back for a question or service. The attitude is the deal breaker for me.

I actually was with a friend who had this happen at a bank once (years upon years ago now, it seems like). He withdrew money and instead of $200 they put $300 and some odd in the envelope. We went back thru and he tried to correct the issue and the teller was having none of it and eventually neither was the manager who was literally dressing him down saying "We don't make mistakes." without even listening to the fact that they *OVERPAID* him. He knew somebody higher up at the bank he was going to discuss it with the next day, so not sure how that issue resolved itself, but I know at the time he was like "I'll deal with this later." and we drove off. Can't say I blame people for giving up the ghost. Also have heard horror stories of people who find they forgot to pay for something in their cart get charged with shoplifting for bringing it back in and trying to pay for it properly. Sometimes "corporate" has no sense of humor or common sense.
I understand now.
I would be tempted to bring it to the sheriff's office and put a note on the tree telling the owner where they could pick it up.
(quoted from post at 08:45:44 04/17/16) My issue is not what you did.
My issue is with vulgarity, the coarsening of our dialogue and people who are too lazy to learn to use better language - especially on a family oriented forum.
The word pissy could be replaced by a host of other adjectives.
Here are a few that you might consider using when you post here.
Tempermental, irritable, impatient, fickle, ornery, in a bad mood, angry, mercurial, touchy, petulant, contumacious, atrabilious, grouchy and mean.

Yeah, and not to mention: unkind, nasty, unpleasant, spiteful, malicious, unfair, cruel, shabby, foul, despicable, contemptible, obnoxious, vile, odious, loathsome, base, low, horrible, horrid, hateful, rotten, lowdown and beastly. But, as was already said, [i:7f0da02048]'What goes around, comes around.'[/i:7f0da02048] ,:lol:
Back to the OP.
He didn't steal it. He tried to make it right and was treated rudely. Had he just kept it he would have broken no laws. He neither stole it nor got that price through deception. So what is the right thing? By color of law he would have been OK had he just kept it. So what is right? I would never steal. If a cashier makes a mistake in my favor I tell them. Not so much for the store but because I know they can be in trouble for a short cash register. I don't shoplift. I hardly ever look at a receipt. If I in good faith had that happen to me I most likely would never had known. You going to tell me that's stealing? A also don't cheat on my taxes at all. An example there could be parts for my boat which were never claimed as machinery repair. I kept that stuff separate. I didn't even claim mileage because while I could have written off more I didn't feel it was worth the hassle. So just where would that make me a thief or liar? Heck I'm more trustworthy than any preacher I know. Most of them I wouldn't trust with anything.

Harbour freight just sold me the last tool they ever will I broke a part on my pipe bender they cannot get parts for it how do they make the new tools If they don't have parts ?!?!?!? As far as I'm concerned if you got the best of em oh well they are selling junk tools with no support ya they make there lifetime warranty sound so good but if you end up needing a part they can't or won't help
That's wonderful! Morality from a cop. As a former Case Manager in the Federal Bureau of Prisons System, I have dealt with more "law enforcement criminals" than with "civilian criminals." Such as state police colonels, majors, sherrifs, deputies, marshalls, police chiefs, constables, local cops.
Bad things happen when cops attempt to enforce their morality.
Mongo is not a thief. But I know many cops who are thieves.


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