Heck, mine is such a mess i could lose the whole TRACTOR in there and have to take half a day to find it!
I've got you all beat. Messy is not the word. So bad that I lost the whole garage. Yep!. disappeared.
Mine was so bad it had just enough room to walk. I had to work last weekend so my wife cleaned it up to surprise me. Now I have nothing to lose in there.

I loose things in mine all the time. Lost a manifold in it not long ago and then it just showed up again out of no where or so it seemed. My biggest problem is remember what part came off what machine. LOL
used to be messy and cluttered.... But i took the early part of the year and cleaned it up... it usually is clean and uncluttered.. though right now it has half of a ford 3000 and varius assorted tools and aprts scatted on the floor.

I've got so much "stuff" in my shop I have do any work bigger than a carburetor overhaul outside in the heat and cold.

My shop is "functionally defecient"!

I try to keep mine in fair shape.

A couple of weeks back one of our large dogs got locked in for a couple of days.

The Ole Lady said that she went up there and attempted to straighten it up some.

I haven't been up there since, not sure that I want to.
How about " a clean shop makes the next project easy", had some city folks here on the long weekend and their comment was " Wow, this shop is so clean and organized!" (Frankly I thought it was a bit of a mess). That's the way I like it. Do a job, wood or auto shop, then clean up.
(quoted from post at 18:26:58 08/04/09) That's the way I like it. Do a job, wood or auto shop, then clean up.

That's the way I used to like to do it, now I am so tired when I get the project done, the cleaning is another project, all by it's self.
I got race bikes scattered all over the place.Thinkin about going out there right now and stackin them.I should show some of them some love from being road hard and put away wet.I thought I could relieve some shop space by building a tractor shed. I saw soundguy's tractor shed and had to have one.Mine's only 16*16 but it's big enough to hold 2 tractors and my road bike.I thought the tractor shed would relieve shop space but it hasn't.
Mine's so bad that if my wife goes in there looking for something, she takes her cell phone along, AND unrolls a ball of string going in so's she can find her way out.
Hi Zane, Send me a picture of your shop, so that I can show the picture to my wife, who thinks/believes my garage is always a disaster. Cheers, murray
Mine"s pretty clean. Too many years of inspections I suppose. I finish every day with picking up, cleaning up and putting up tools and extras. I also have had the same sets of tools for over 25 yrs and have never lost a wrench, socket or screwdriver. (broke plenty of them, but Craftsman takes care of that)
Its not to say it doesn"t get messy... it gets REAL messy. Grease, oil, antifreeze, dirt, sand, iron shavings, cutting droppings,etc, but I clean it up. I find that keeping everything organized really pays off when I"m working on stuff because I dont" waste time LOOKING for stuff.
Kind of disorganized as one of my sons stored some stuff there while going through a breakup with his girlfriend.

That said, I had it in pretty good shape after a couple of hours work yesterday. Then the grandsons (7 and 2-1/2) showed up last night and I'll have to go back up to the shop this am and re-straighen up things.

Why do the little guys always want to head for "Boppa's Shop" as soon as they get out of the car????
Mine wouldn't be too bad if I'd keep those pesky projects out of it. As it is, going to the back or from one end to the other is like an adventure, or maybe a maze.

I did get all the 860 sheet metal parts painted this weekend, though.


Mine is so messy that when I re-wired it and added a compressed-air distribution system in it last month that I found tools I'd thought had been stolen/lost/borrowed.... ten years ago!

I've only gotten 1/4th of it cleaned up, and it's taken a whole week to do that, but I'm determined now to get it completly done by end of August. Jeesh! ...I've got a lot of stuff I forgot I'd acquired. It's like a Christmas in July!
I went ahead and built a new shop, was a lot better than cleaning the old. It"s for tractors only!
(quoted from post at 10:44:59 08/06/09) I went ahead and built a new shop, was a lot better than cleaning the old. It"s for tractors only!
ou sound like me. 1st shop was at my house in town...between me & boys, it got so full that I just moved & left it & most of contents to son. Next was on my so full that I just went on back with an addition.........again soon so full that I moved about 100yards on down & built one twice the size........soon had to double it. Now getting too old for all that construction work, so I got two of those 40 foot cargo containers. My dad had a junkyard & always told everyone that "you see junk, I see gold". I inherited the trait, I guess, because I don't think I ever threw away anything, especially if metal.

Now, for the fellow requesting a photo to show his wife, here is one I captured awhile back, not mine, but could be. That broom just takes up valuable space!

Best way to find something you lost in a messy shop? Go buy another part the time you come back from the store the old part will be sitting there right in front of you. I am CONVINCED there are 'shop gremlins' which delight in hiding things you just put down and then returning them just before you have a complete fit :twisted:

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