Thank you, that was a question left open above.
It is my understanding through an individual that accidentally “Ignored” someone a while back is that any post by that individual simply will not show up. No matter what avenue is used to run across his post. So if ignored member X made number 10 reply to a thread on Jan 2 24 and I make reply number 11, then later I bring up my post history and go to that thread reply 9 will be there but reply 10 will be gone. And of course my reply 11 will be there.
To view the Avatar on a phone you tap the member’s username and just like a PC their profile pops up and the “Ignore” button is right there.
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It is my understanding through an individual that accidentally “Ignored” someone a while back is that any post by that individual simply will not show up. No matter what avenue is used to run across his post. So if ignored member X made number 10 reply to a thread on Jan 2 24 and I make reply number 11, then later I bring up my post history and go to that thread reply 9 will be there but reply 10 will be gone. And of course my reply 11 will be there.
To view the Avatar on a phone you tap the member’s username and just like a PC their profile pops up and the “Ignore” button is right there.

If someone quotes a poster you have ignored that ignored post will be visible in the quoted post.

At least that's how it works on other forums I belong to that use the XenForo platform.


  • Screenshot_2024-02-06-16-51-18.png
    199.7 KB · Views: 26
The ignore feature does indeed hide threads started by the ignored.

But where to find your list of ignored users differs between PC's, tablets, and phones.

In the screenshot below the left column under Preferences has a link to the ignored.
And if you click your avatar in upper right it shows up there also.

But on my Android phone I can only find the ignore link if the phone is held horizontally when I click my upper right avatar.
007, on my iPhone at the top my avatar always shows right to the left of the PM “mail” icon. I click that and it shows my profile and the “Ignoring” list is there in the lower right to access if someone has the need to use that feature. I find it really has no use except for possibly using it as John suggested above.

It looks like the daily puzzle dilemma may be solved if the users are okay with that format.
007, on my iPhone at the top my avatar always shows right to the left of the PM “mail” icon. I click that and it shows my profile and the “Ignoring” list is there in the lower right to access if someone has the need to use that feature. I find it really has no use except for possibly using it as John suggested above.
View attachment 4820
It looks like the daily puzzle dilemma may be solved if the users are okay with that format.
Yes, so know even cellphone views are different for android vs iPhone.
Makes it difficult to help others find forum features when devices and operating systems are all showing different layouts.
Yes, so know even cellphone views are different for android vs iPhone.
Makes it difficult to help others find forum features when devices and operating systems are all showing different layouts.View attachment 4823
I'm suspicious that it could be an issue with different sized phone screens. This system seems to incrementally change the displayed content based on screen size, for example, even on the computer browser, two different people will see less or more widgets or features depending on how large they expand their window. So it would make sense the large screen phone would be different than the smaller screen phone.
I'm suspicious that it could be an issue with different sized phone screens. This system seems to incrementally change the displayed content based on screen size, for example, even on the computer browser, two different people will see less or more widgets or features depending on how large they expand their window. So it would make sense the large screen phone would be different than the smaller screen phone.

Could be as here is horizontal phone view on same phone.

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