Indiana #1 for 3 years in a row.


Well-known Member
According to local news, Indiana is number 1 for 3 years in a row for meth. Sad to say, things
are so bad in my county, there is talk of building a new jail because of over crowding. Old jail
is less than 15 years old and it not big enough. Locals say Vigo county is also #1 county in the
state. Politicians are trying to make it a requirement to get a prescription to buy
pseudoephedrine. What is your state doing to combat the problem.

It's a known fact that ATV's are used as mobile meth labs. Our local county boys are told not to
chase after them. That's crazy. County cops say it's too dangerous to chase after ATV's. I told
them, if I decide to rob a bank, I'll do it on an ATV.

I found an article on INDTSTAR, but get a lot of pop up ads. Hope you have better luck.
indystar 1
That very interesting. The president said on his gun control show you could buy all the guns you wanted at a gun show in Indiana and take them to Chicago to sell. Guns and dope do go hand. There is a big problem in the us with drugs. Even prescription drugs. With our computers we have today there should be a database where when ever some one gets a prescription drug or something that's used to make drugs it goes on his file so it can be seen by other doctors so they don't get the extra prescription drugs. What one doctor writes the other doctor doesn't know. Anything that makes drugs can be made so it has to be a prescription. If they want to build a prison build it out in the middle of Arizona, Utah or out west where there is nothing. Don't allow a building to be built within 100 miles of it. Don't include tv, cell phones, pool tables in there. Make it a law that if your found bringing drugs into a prison you get arrested, go to trial and min sentence 5 years. I do not blame the law for not going after those people on atv. Very dangerous and all law enforcement people will tell you when you catch them our court systems do very little to try to get them off the streets, Law enforcement people do a very good job. Tough job. My hats are off to them as well as our firefights, first responder and the good old military. Times has really changed the last 3/4 years. I just hope that people realize that and elect the best possible candidate to help this problem. With my age I probably wont be around a whole lot longer but I would hope my children and grand children will have a better USA than there is now. Missouri also has a lot of those drug labs. Maybe there not first but id say there at least 2nd. Have a good day.
Seems like in my part of Indiana meth is not near as big as it use to be. The coop had not had any trouble in awhile with theft of NH3 . Now it seem that pain killers and heroin are taking over as well as causing massive HIV outbreaks.
In Washington state, any remedy with pseudoephedrine is in a locked cabinet, and you have to give name and DL number to buy any. There is an empty box of each kind on the open shelves, so you can look at the ingredients and compare with others.
The number of deaths in the US related to ODs from illegal opiates alone is over 20,000, ODs from prescription drugs is over 25,000. Number of homicides by gun is 11,000.
It is not a major problem in my area. Seems to be a Midwest thing. If it is and I don't know about it is maybe because I don't go to bars. The only guy around that was on meth was visiting from Kansas.
I read a letter on face book yesterday, written by an NY Pharmacist. He stated that in NY, anyone can walk into a pharmacy and by a 10 pack of hypodermic needles without a prescription. Around here apparently heroin is becoming the drug of choice. Cops say used needle are found all over the village
The number of deaths in this country in 2013 related to firearms was north of 32,000 people when you add in deaths by all causes from firearms.
I can walk into a TSC and buy 100 hypodermic needles.So what? The needles,the drugs, the pushers are NOT the problem its the Idiots that are consuming them.Demand is what drives all markets.Stupidest thing ever is making voluntary addictions a 'disease'.
Here in NW ND, at the height of the oil boom the drug users and dealers really moved in. And even now with the downturn and so many guys leaving the area, the problem continues. Burglaries, armed robberies, theft are rising every day. This past week the authorities reported nine heroin overdoses with one death. Not gonna better anytime soon I think. (an aside, today is mine and my wife's and my twin sisters's birthday)
Have a great day fellas.
Pinball, in regard to your comment about the courts doing little with them after they are caught: In my area it appears to be a cash flow issue. As long as dopers continue to come up with $$ for attorney fees and court fines they continue to get SES, (suspended execution of sentence), and probation. They don't seem to want to lock them up until they are so screwed up and broke that they can no longer steal enough from you and me to pay up come court day. gm

I read an article maybe a year or two ago where they interviewed a high level drug dealer. He said it made him laugh that states were trying to regulate pseudoephedrine. The dealer stated only the small time "recreational" users would use pills to make meth. The big time meth producers are getting their supply in 55 gallon drums, smuggled in from Canada.

The dealer said regulating pseudoephedrine at drug stores would have zero impact on meth production.

It is a problem in Michigan as well.

That is true the pills are some guy trying to cook meth in his car. The real producers have vats purchased from pharmaceutical companies. The Hells Angels had such a vat. When they busted Kenny Owens he had a machine running that was wrapping hundred dollar bills into packs , but no drugs where found in the house. They wear suits and are disguised as being from other drug companies. These are major operations.
Drugs are the #1 issue that needs addressed, it is killing our country from with in. There is no clear answer to how to deal with it, education and eradication is one way to look at it..most look at it like the Pink Elephant in the room,,pretending not to see it..
We've had that law for years, doesn't work here. When it first went into effect, grandma went to town bought meds for daughter. Then a few days bought some more meds for herself. Cops arrested her, I think she was a school teacher or an upstanding person that wasn't aware of the law.

Around here I was told, hear say only, that if you want to buy meth, you have to buy a legal number of pills.
That's always been a problem. Years ago our local sheriff was addressing one of those women organizations when the question was put to him. Its was just mara wanna then. He asked the lady should I go out and arrest these people when they go to court and are fined 25 bucks and let them go and you catch them next week and same thing over and over. Age I grew up in wasn't a problem but it sure is now. Everyday from st Louis to Columbia you see all these people getting arrested for drugs. Really sad. just My 3 cents worth.
The theft of NH3 has stopped here. I was told, only hear say, the meth cookers changed the way they make it, NH3 isn't needed, they use something else from the store.
President said there are more people dying from Rx drug overdoses than killed in car accidents too. However, he failed to compare it to people dying from guns. It's cheaper to buy heron than RX drugs, so after the Dr get you hooked, you can switch to a cheaper drug.
You are so right. It is boughten trouble ,Nothing more. This drug thing would never happen in my house. NEVER HAPPEN. How so you ask ?? Because I am the old man and it would not happen. Raise the kids right and know who they have for friends and what they are doing all the time. Give them enough work to do and they won't have time to be down town with worthless friends looking for trouble. Over dose and pick them up and haul them to a hospital ? Why not the cop just say man your looking good here have some more. That would mop up the mess fast. Now they go to the hospital at the tax payers expense and get all greased up and ready to go back out and do it again.
Geo. Indiana dropped the charges down on the crimes no longer have the 3 strike law
Their reason....state prisons were getting over crowded so what would have got u 2 years at prison now gets u a year or less in county jail
I work inmates at my job it's called a cc program from county jail here cc = community corrections program
Each inmate doing the program gets a day a week off his sentence for working at different government jobs some work at the highway dept some the city some for the parks dept and some pick up trash and cut brush

I see the same guys over and over if I ran the program if you were on it once and came back to jail you wouldn't get to be on it again

25 years ago it was mostly drunks and child support skippers now most are druggies and u have to explain the same job every morning
To them

I won't mess with them they either work or go back to the jail
I bet every one of these Police and Sheriff depts. are getting Federal Funds to fight drug use. Now if you were getting million of dollars, why would you want to break up the drug rings? Should reverse the dollars, no drugs more money. This will continue to get worse, much worse, after all in some respect its government funded.
My 35 year old son just went through a 30 day treatment to get off meth. He has been clean for 4 months now. My wife and I have our fingers crossed. We live in central Iowa near a crossroads of two major interstates, i 35 and I 80. They say around here that most meth comes in here from mexico_Our local newspaper just recently ran an editorial that stated we should end the war on drugs because our jails are overcrowded and we are wasting money housing drug dealers because they committ victimless crimes. That really makes me mad because meth has ruined countless lives and family's. The person who wrote that should have laid awake at night wondering about their kid! Now they say the new thing is heroin. A friends granddaughter just died dec 26th from a heroin overdose. If I was in charge I could end the war on drugs shortly because I would have a few public executions of drug dealers and the war would be over! It's not just young people using meth they say there are 50 and 60 year old people on it. I guess we live in a sick society when people only look forward to getting high.
gorge, I forgot to say I live in Indiana not far from you 2 counties east in morgan county. Old weldor you are right it isn't a victimless crime my brother died from a meth overdose 2 years ago this july his youngest daughter is on it to see has 3 kids that she never see's and has stolen everything that wasn't nailed down worth .10 from my mother and who knows who else. one would think seeing your dad laying dead on the living room floor from the stuff would be a wake up call. but she skipped his funeral to break into the shop and steal what tools he had left to sell for more drugs.
(quoted from post at 12:12:46 01/12/16) I read a letter on face book yesterday, written by an NY Pharmacist. He stated that in NY, anyone can walk into a pharmacy and by a 10 pack of hypodermic needles without a prescription. Around here apparently heroin is becoming the drug of choice. Cops say used needle are found all over the village

Not unless the laws have changed they can't.
(quoted from post at 12:16:02 01/12/16) The number of deaths in this country in 2013 related to firearms was north of 32,000 people when you add in deaths by all causes from firearms.

You would need to see the breakdown on what the cause/circumstances surrounding the data are to make an informed judgement. I helped compile the information for those stats for many years and the old line about "garbage data in, garbage data" out is true. For instance, police and civilian self defense shootings are included in the same category as pre-meditated murders, gang shootings, suicide, etc. The information you need is not normally found in the headlines.
Old Scovy. You are dead wrong that would never happen in your house! We raised my son right, he was on the honor roll all through high school. Pretty much a straight A student. You must remember you can't watch them 24-7. That is the last thing I thought he would ever do!

Same thing here. We went through almost 10 years of nightmares when the "good boy who would never do that" went ahead and did just that. Sometimes all the parenting in the world won't stop a kid bent on self destruction.

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