Is this a scam?


Well-known Member
I just started using the ads on the new format here. I listed a tractor for sale. Im not real adept at using the message portion yet.
I got the following message: "I am contacting you in regards to your classified ad, (he quotes my ad title). I would like to know the condition of the item. Kindly let me know the last asking price. You can get back with me through my email" (gives his email).
All this info is clearly in my ad. And I don't think many here say " kindly let me know the condition of the item" when answering a tractor ad. I think it's a scam. His name says new user.
I just started using the ads on the new format here. I listed a tractor for sale. Im not real adept at using the message portion yet.
I got the following message: "I am contacting you in regards to your classified ad, (he quotes my ad title). I would like to know the condition of the item. Kindly let me know the last asking price. You can get back with me through my email" (gives his email).
All this info is clearly in my ad. And I don't think many here say " kindly let me know the condition of the item" when answering a tractor ad. I think it's a scam. His name says new user.
Sounds like one. I think they all use the same scammers form letter.
Just message back that all that info is in the ad, and if he/she has other questions not addressed in the ad, feel free to ask. They usually won't put the effort into a second reply. Don't give them your email, but if you are replying through the "conversation" method on here, you are relatively safe. YT won't give out your email to them. steve
Just use the messaging here to he'll keep replying. I would prefer call or meet up on such transaction.
The first red flag is the formality of the message. The second red flag is referring to your tractor as "the item." The whole message has the tone of somebody that wouldn't know a tractor if they fell over it. Then there are other things like "let me know your last asking price" that are not typical phrases that most of us would use in normal conversation.

This has scam written all over it. Delete and ignore.
I suggest you not to reply. It sounds suspicious as a scam but why take the chance ???

John T
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Only Members can Reply to Ad's. So Hover over his login and see how long he has been a member.
The same thing goes for someone that has something listed in the Ad's.
Like all the low priced ATV and Lawn Mowers that Have been listed the Last few weeks
He wants you to email him through your email so he can collect and sell your email address to scammers and spammers.
How much do you think an email address is worth? How many would a scammer have to collect to make any significant money? Why even give it a thought?

Some things are simply not secret. One's name, address, even telephone number are mostly a matter of public record. There is nothing sacred or secret about an email address.

Personally, I get many spam messages as well as scam messages. Been getting them for years. How do they get my email address? I do not know - or care. Just hit the delete key and they are gone. No muss, no fuss, no bother.
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I just started using the ads on the new format here. I listed a tractor for sale. Im not real adept at using the message portion yet.
I got the following message: "I am contacting you in regards to your classified ad, (he quotes my ad title). I would like to know the condition of the item. Kindly let me know the last asking price. You can get back with me through my email" (gives his email).
All this info is clearly in my ad. And I don't think many here say " kindly let me know the condition of the item" when answering a tractor ad. I think it's a scam. His name says new user.
Scam... don't reply.
How much do you think an email address is worth? How many would a scammer have to collect to make any significant money? Why even give it a thought?

Some things are simply not secret. One's name, address, even telephone number are mostly a matter of public record. There is nothing sacred or secret about an email address.

Personally, I get many spam messages as well as scam messages. Been getting them for years. How do they get my email address? I do not know - or care. Just hit the delete key and they are gone. No muss, no fuss, no bother.
I have no idea how much an address is worth. I get the request all the time when selling stuff on Craigslist. I just know that if the seller replies through this email that his inbox will be jammed full of spam for the next several days. I suppose there are computer programs available that collect this automatically.
I just started using the ads on the new format here. I listed a tractor for sale. Im not real adept at using the message portion yet.
I got the following message: "I am contacting you in regards to your classified ad, (he quotes my ad title). I would like to know the condition of the item. Kindly let me know the last asking price. You can get back with me through my email" (gives his email).
All this info is clearly in my ad. And I don't think many here say " kindly let me know the condition of the item" when answering a tractor ad. I think it's a scam. His name says new user.
100%. If you keep talking with him he will probably offer you full price or even more. He also won't be able to come view or pick up the item for some random reason, so he will have somebody else pick it up or ask you to ship. Then he will suggest some convoluted payment plan that likely requires a large amount of your personal information which they can then to who knows what with. They used to just send you a bad check, you would cash it and give the "shipper" the excess cash as their fee when they pick it up. Then the check would bounce eventually and you would be out the item and all your money, they have gotten more sophisticated since then.
The word "kindly" gives it away. nigerian scammer using british diction. AND they never describe your listing as its a canned reply. I get them on all my craigs list ads....

I put in my ads, NO SHIPPING, NO CHECKS, YOU MUST BUY IN PERSON!!!!!! and it stops MOST of the replies.
I have no idea how much an address is worth. I get the request all the time when selling stuff on Craigslist. I just know that if the seller replies through this email that his inbox will be jammed full of spam for the next several days. I suppose there are computer programs available that collect this automatically.
Well, Pete, sometimes it starts to get on my nerves how people are trying to be secretive about pseudo-personal information. Like names, addresses, license plate numbers, email addresses, and the list goes on. The problem is that these things are not secrets. Anybody that really wants to can get your name, address, phone number, license plate number, and probably more just from readily available public records. I can just walk by your driveway or see you on the road and get your license plate number. Just about anybody you call will have your phone number. Your address is listed with your name in publicly available county listings. On top of that, there are any number of outfits on the web that can do a complete background check on just about anybody if you Are willing to pay for it.

We sell tractor parts! We have the parts you need to repair your tractor - the right parts. Our low prices and years of research make us your best choice when you need parts. Shop Online Today.
