JD 1207 old gearbox update PSA

So awhile back my dad went and bought a 1207 with the intention of flipping it. Well we've just got around to working on it and we're going to try and use it because the discbine is being a pain (this is another story)

Anyways, if you have an older style pitman arm set up and don't want to to pay for the 300 some dollar part from JD, the newer pitman arm setup will work. You will need a different sickle and the bits and pieces for the newer style but it works. Or you could swap out the sickle bar end aswell, as it is just riveted on. Just a helpful little thing for anyone that wants to save a little or has an older machine that ran and a newer parts machine that doesn't run.

So awhile back my dad went and bought a 1207 with the intention of flipping it. Well we've just got around to working on it and we're going to try and use it because the discbine is being a pain (this is another story)

Anyways, if you have an older style pitman arm set up and don't want to to pay for the 300 some dollar part from JD, the newer pitman arm setup will work. You will need a different sickle and the bits and pieces for the newer style but it works. Or you could swap out the sickle bar end aswell, as it is just riveted on. Just a helpful little thing for anyone that wants to save a little or has an older machine that ran and a newer parts machine that doesn't run.

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Though I do not have a JD machine, the swap is certainly valuable to those that do. Thanks. Jim
Though I do not have a JD machine, the swap is certainly valuable to those that do. Thanks. Jim
I ran into the same thing with JD1209, early serial numbers had the old style head, like yours. I wanted new sickle but could only get one with new end so would have to change other parts. I was able to but a sickle head for old style and blank sickle so I had to put together what I needed. I bought another head in case they quit carrying it.

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