Mitsubishi MT372d - piston rod and lift fork question


Hi All,

May I please ask for advise on this as I'm not sure if I should proceed with this. I bought a MT372 tractor without the 3 point hitch working and when I took it apart I found the pin (a homemade bolt) that attaches the piston rod to the lift fork was broken. So I ordered a new pin and when it arrived I noticed the PIN is exactly the same diameter size as the hole in the lift fork where it goes, but I noticed the piston rod hole is double the size of the PIN. I attached photos. Is this correct? Surely that extra slack on the piston rod would cause problems or am I missing a part for that tightens it? I appreciate any help.


Do not know your tractor but have had many years of experience with the
hydraulics on Ford and Fordson tractors. On all those models that use a pin
like yours, the hole in the connecting rod is always larger than in the
retainer. This is so that the pin does not take the load of the lifting
action and only holds the connecting rod loosely in place.

Ford also recommended packing the end of the connecting rod and the pin area
with Moly Grease MS3.
(quoted from post at 04:23:13 09/04/22) Do not know your tractor but have had many years of experience with the
hydraulics on Ford and Fordson tractors. On all those models that use a pin
like yours, the hole in the connecting rod is always larger than in the
retainer. This is so that the pin does not take the load of the lifting
action and only holds the connecting rod loosely in place.

Ford also recommended packing the end of the connecting rod and the pin area
with Moly Grease MS3.

That makes sense. Thanks!
Now I just gotta position it in so that the pin doesn't take the weight .
(quoted from post at 11:41:45 06/28/23) Does anyone know where I can get a new hydraulic lift fork for Mitsubishi MT372d?


Funny you should ask because I recently had to get one for my MT372d. I got it from Sheaffer's town & country tractors at -

I paid around $200 though. Try there and if they don't have any more then let me know and I might sell you my one coz it turned out I didn't really need one.

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