Model 135 with Loader


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Hello. I'm going to look at a Massey Ferguson 135 with a model 32 loader on it. Do these loaders work good or known for any problems?
Thank you
Personally, I would be more concerned about the front axle support or "bolster" than the loader. If the loader appears rough or abused you can bet the bolster will be on it's last legs. I've never been a fan of a loader on a 35/135/245 myself due to that issue but that's me, "your mileage may vary". A 150/165/255 would be a better candidate for a loader due to a beefier front end. Good Luck with it!
As MF#1 said, it's that size tractor with the heavy loader on it that's problematic. Those loaders are tough, reliable and heavy. It's an industrial grade loader. The tractor should have power steering and a separate, front mounted high flow hydraulic pump to power the loader for it to work well. I think the original pumps were around 15gpm flow.

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