New (to me) 1960 Massey Ferguson 35x


New User
Hello all,

Recently picked up a Massey Ferguson 35x with the Perkins diesel. Very cool little tractor, perfect for what I'm using it for (skidding logs out of the woods). I have a few questions for those familiar with these:

- It doesn't have diff lock (unfortunately). How helpful is diff lock? Or can it more or less be overcome via selective wheel braking?

- The tractor doesn't have any weights on it (wheels or front). I found pics of rear wheel weights and I have the front bumper but not seeing samples of the types of weights people use up front on these. I understand any hunk of metal will likely work, just wondering how the model correct weights look.

Thanks all

Brakes may be more desirable than diff lock. Diff lock makes the tractor go straight ahead or turn in the opposite direction of the wheel with traction.

Weights on rear can make a big difference.
If you are on wet, uneven ground brakes are better than a diff lock. Here's what the MF accessory parts book shows for front weight's.
excellent, thank you.

is that accessory book available online someplace for browsing or download?

Thanks i'm a little weary of adding too much weight but will think about it. Glad i didn't fixate on the diff lock, this little tractor is going to do a bunch of work for us. We have a lot of downed trees in the woods, it's just money sitting out there. Hopefully I can get them out even if I have to do one at a time.


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