O.T. nerve of some people !! kind of a funny rant !

Billy NY

Well-known Member
So, work is slow right now and I'm glad to be home to catch up on some work I need to get done.

I head over to the gas station, owned by a neighboring land owner and a former large dairy operation, well they just don't farm anymore just distribute dairy products. They are participating in a discount savings program offered by our local grocery store chain, whereas you get .20 cents off a gallon up to 20 gallons everytime you get $50 worth of groceries, needless to say the place has become very busy and there are short lines.

So... I pull in, get right to a pump, proceed to walk in, see a friends dad, whom is a neighbor, struggling with a gas cap on his '87 F150. I get to the counter, leave my discount card, and said I'm not sure how much my can and my car tank will take, here's $40, and my grocery store card for the discount. Lady at the counter kind of knows me, says, fill up and pay when you come back in, knowing I'm not a drive off deadbeat jerk.

This is when the simplest of things gets complicated, I walk past my friends dad, he asks for help getting the cap off, I help him, he's got the nozzle on the ground, and is due another discounted 5 gallons, well the pump times out and the cap breaks, can't get it open, so he says you need gas, you got a can, just take mine, ok...

Well in the confusion, some miserable wretch lady, backs up to my pump, that the attendant turned on for me, pumps $24 in gas, and takes off !!!, I had to go back inside because of my friends dad, his deal is screwed up, pump timed out, have to reset it, still due the discount, which they can't finish for him cause the pump times out, so I take 5 gallons at full price, no big deal, he's tight with a buck, me I just want to fill my mower, make up some gas for my saw and get something done today. Well now the attendant thinks I pumped the $24, and I said no way, some lady snuck in and I guess she took off without paying and now I'm going to get stuck with it ???? I could not believe this, all I wanted was to put some in my car, and my can, pay with cash, and leave, oh, and use my discount. So they believed me, not too alarmed, but I'm thinking I'm getting stuck with the bill and if they closed out the pump and used my card which they had, I get stuck with the bill, lose my $1.00/ per gallon off and pay full price for 5 gallons of regular, that I did not need cause I use Sunoco Ultra in my small engines ! WTF ??? I said, I need to leave and get out of here before I lose it, can I have my card back now, plus I had to go home and dump that can so I can get super anyway. Still wondering if they think I did it cause I wanted to leave before I did something I would regret, as this is the best policy for me when things get crazy, just leave, walk away, and forget it. Of course I am hemmed in by vehicles !

I get out, and head to the oldest operating station in town, the only other American owned, station in town, and was glad to pay full price for 5 gallons of super.

Between greed, and people that steal, this station giving the discount has become a madhouse, always a line, people are miserable, they really test the clerks at the counter, just ain't worth it, heck I thought I was going to end up in jail, cause if they tried to pin it on me, there'd have been a few people getting tossed through a window before I got done, SHEESH, what in heck is wrong with people today, lie, cheat, steal, murder, rape, drugs, this lady thought nothing of leaving without paying, cheating me of my discount, and sticking me with the darned bill, would like to hope someone t-bones her at an intersection or something, but that's not me, though she deserves it !

Be careful out there, never know what in heck is going to happen !
Best thing to do is flee these situations. If something doesn't feel right, don't do it. Most of all, attend to your business first and then others. By finishing up your business (fill the gas tank first), you are well prepared to take care of others (your buddy's gas cap).

The lady snatched a freebie when you weren't looking. It's really not surprising. That's the thing these days, you have to pay attention to your own business first.
That is exactly right, this is what you get for helping someone else and not thinking of yourself 1st... I always help people, it's my nature, but you know how they say nice guys finish last, or in this case end up in jail 1st. Life can be a thankless job sometimes, that is for sure !
I just swipe my card. I also tend to finish my stuff first. No real reason, other than I don't multitask that well.
That's why I like to get out early (before noon) to go to any retail-type institutions if possible. Seems as a given day progresses the jerks increase in numbers at the stores.
The stores don't know how to draw the line as far as dealing with people that are detrimental to business. A real pain in the tail can really slow a line down as the clerks generally have the only option of calling the manager up to deal with it. Managers discourage this for the most part and often threaten termination of the employee for doing it. The worst part is that with some people they know how to milk the store policy to obtain goods they legitimately have no claim to (abuse of items purchased rather than an actual defect). Most people don't realize that adds to the cost of goods (5% or more) for the honest and sincere customer.
Unless the retail business does an about face with this type of "customer" things will never improve and will only get worse as more people attempt to try schemes.
I agree with going places early, just to avoid crowds and nonsense, always more enjoyable, this is a sole proprietorship by a longstanding businessman/former dairyman, and is the only store they have, which I support, vs the 2 other gas stations one adjacent and the other across the road. It's kind of comical, thing is that woman got one over on them and me, cause I'd have made darned sure she got nailed for it, think that is what really ticked me off, never stole a darned thing and always worked to pay the bills, handing over money that was earned, while this $#@!tch stole from them and almost made it look like I did it. Thats ok, I gave her the evil curse, something bad will happen to her today, I guarantee it LOL !!!
The best time to go shopping around here is during a Packer's game. As far as filling up my car, I prefer to just pay at the pump. I hate having to go inside, wait for some slow putz to figure out which pack of smokes they want, and then dig in their pocket for the wadded up dollar bills.

I'd rather pull in, swipe my card, fill up and go. Not too often you'll catch me inside the store.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Getting gas this morning. Some idiot pulls in behind me,fills his tank and drives off. Of course he did not seem to notice the two DPS cars sitting right beside us. He did not get very far.
All the stations around here have pretty good cameras. Shouldn't be too hard to get a plate number on her car.

Drive-offs are a joke here, the claim you will lose your D. License, but it never happens.. I saw a drive-off last year, female clerk ran out to get tag#, Driver tried to run over her, and yelled FU and flipped her the finger. The next day, cops went to his house, he gave them this BS story of how he had worked late, and just forgot to pay.. Charges were dropped..
In my area, it is impossible to drive away without paying. Either you pay at the pump with credit card, or go inside and pre-pay and the clerk sets the amount on the pump. No chance of getting any free gas.
Well, it seems that the general consensus is you should have taken care of yourself and let your friend's dad fend for himself. And then people complain about the general state of affairs in the world. I think the " I've got mine, so &%*!# you!" attitude is where most of it comes from. I'll bet your friend's dad was still grateful, wasn't he?
I'm sure he was, but then again he's a real character anyway, one of those types, and I like Jack to no end, one of his sons has been a great friend since we were playing little league baseball. I just did not need to run into him when I did, and thinking about it, my nature to drop what I am doing and help someone, well, not at this gas station anymore LOL !!!
I don't know how many times I've helped people in various situations that it ended up costing me. Maybe in a broken or lost tool, parts given away, gasoline used or whatever. But there's the satisfaction that you weren't one of the jerks out there and you helped someone in need. Kind of bugs me when people are ungrateful though, but that won't stop me from helping.

Remember one time years ago when I had a boat in a marina and heard a guy yelling about his dog. Went over and there was big yellow lab in the channel (no where for him to climb out) where he fell or jumped off a massive cabin cruiser (40+ ft). I jumped in and held the exhausted dog up until some buddies could get a dinghy over. We got the dog back on the boat and the guy drove off without so much as a thank you. We just sat there shaking our heads.

Regarding your situation, that's one reason I couldn't work retail. I'd last about a day because I'd be telling people off left and right. Just can't stand rude, arrogant, stupid, thieving people.
I agree Don. Our local Flying J Bird is the worst place to go inside to pay. Takes longer to go in an pay then it does to pump gas. Place is always full of "octomoms" and "Cyclopses"

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