O/T Why Exxon won't produce more oil

Nancy Howell

Well-known Member
Found this article on www.msn.com. The following are excerpts from the article.

The energy giant is being managed to achieve an acceptable investment return for shareholders, not for the benefit of consumers. Less supply of crude oil means higher prices -- and record profits.

In ExxonMobil"s (XOM, news, msgs) presentation to analysts in New York City in early March. flashed a chart that showed the company"s worldwide oil production staying flat through 2012.

Ponder that for a minute. Exxon is the largest publicly traded company in the energy business. In fact, it"s the most profitable company in the history of capitalism, earning a record $40.6 billion last year on sales of $404 billion. Yet even with crude oil prices near all-time highs, Exxon isn"t planning on producing any more oil four years from now than it did last year. That means the company"s oil output won"t even keep pace with its own projections of worldwide oil demand growth of 1.3% a year.

It really goes back to what is an acceptable investment return for us," Tillerson said. In other words, producing more barrels just to ease prices for consumers is not part of the company"s calculations.

Last year, ExxonMobil led the industry with a return on capital of 32%.

Big oil companies can continually miss their targets or even target no growth and still shine on Wall Street due to the peculiar nature of commodity businesses. Less supply of a commodity means higher prices. Higher oil prices mean more profits for the oil companies.
They testified to congress the other week that they don't always make record profits so when they can, they need to. This was also testified back in the 1990's and 2000's when they were making record profits. We should just all buy Exxon Mobil stock so at least we can earn a few pennies of dividends off of $3.20/gallon gas. We used to be a strictly Mobil family running Mobil oil and gas. I now refuse to buy their gas or oil, and they are usually the most expensive around my town.
During the 1990s they lost their arse. With $12.00 a barrel crude and low pump prices lots of the independants went out of business or sold out on the cheap to stay out of bankruptcy.

As a corporation they have a fudiciary duty to their stockholders, claiming to exist for the benefit of consumers will land the board in court - as Henry Ford learned the hard way when he was successfully sued by the Dodge Brothers.
Certain functions are too important to everyday people's lives to be trusted to unfettered capitalism. The production and supply of crude oil is one of these functions. The article you just posted is proof of that.
You do not NEED crude oil to survive. People were around and doing fine for thousands of years without it. The Amish still use very little of it and are doing fine.
Be careful, if the oil business is too important to be left to unfettered capitialism, current food and energy price increases caused by the price of corn, soybeans and wheat should therefore also be controlled by the government even more than it is. Should we cap the farmer's profit margin on corn, beans and wheat ?? After all, what is more important to our quality of life than food.

If you think the profits of oil companies are too high, buy some stock in the company and enjoy the dividends and profits. Sadly, as a little guy, I can buy 100 shares of XOM and share in the profits easier than I can buy 100 shares in a Midwest corn acreage. Which is the true closed monopoly ??
Yeah, they need to eliminate the profit from the oil business - then we'll have plenty of cheap fuel.

Hugo Chavez is trying that with food in Venezuela and it's working out great.


CARACAS, Venezuela -- Meat cuts vanished from Venezuelan supermarkets this week, leaving only unsavory bits like chicken feet, while costly artificial sweeteners have increasingly replaced sugar, and many staples sell far above government-fixed prices.

President Hugo Chavez's administration blames the food supply problems on unscrupulous speculators, but industry officials say government price controls that strangle profits are responsible. Authorities on Wednesday raided a warehouse in Caracas and seized seven tons of sugar hoarded by vendors unwilling to market the inventory at the official price.

Major private supermarkets suspended sales of beef earlier this week after one chain was shut down for 48 hours for pricing meat above government-set levels, but an agreement reached with the government on Wednesday night promises to return meat to empty refrigerator shelves.

Shortages have sporadically appeared with items from milk to coffee since early 2003, when Chavez began regulating prices for 400 basic products as a way to counter inflation and protect the poor.


Now instead of paying high prices for food the poor go hungry because there isn't any food.
"Record Profits"

Got to love it. With inflation every year is a record even if all you do is hold your own. This year hourly wages will hit record levels. This year Social Security recipients will receive record payments. This year welfare recipients will receive record payments.

Sounds like fun.
I agree.Who said they were allowed to put their company in the stock market?Especially since they are highly subsidised by government tax breaks,and that they steal the rights to minerals in the first place.Its kind of a government sponsored mafia drug selling scheme to have it in the stock market.
Another thing is water.In the rest of the world,and here to an extent,corporations are controlling more water every day.Now if water was on the stock market dont you think there would be outcry?
The stock market has its place.However there should be things cut out of it because they are necessary to be cut out of it,like food,water,oil.
The reason agriculture and everything else is messed up in our country is because of the stock market.There should be boundries.
In other words,what grain and stock used for food,should be cut out of the stock market as far as speculation is concerned.The surplus then could go on the market for speculation.What water and oil thats used to sustain our economy should be taken out of the speculation market,if any is left after our economy is sustained it could be used for speculation.I bet that would grow the refinery capacity and supply overnight.
A stock market for sustenance would still apply,but it would be connected to what its worth and what it takes to sustain farmers so they can improve their methods.The paper pushers stealing all the money is going to ruin our country if we dont stop them.All it takes is sensibility,and people to get it done.
(quoted from post at 09:24:52 04/03/08) You do not NEED crude oil to survive. People were around and doing fine for thousands of years without it. The Amish still use very little of it and are doing fine.

I doubt you can support today's population very well using what they had thousands of years ago.
Capitalistic oil company being criticized by local Liebural socialist media- who won't publicize the state owned oil companies problems- Chavez takes control and diverts profits to social programs- but now is asking/begging for free spare parts to keep pumping. French ELF history has some high prices and production restrictions. Soviet- now Russian - government oil fields slowing production and having trouble drilling new wells, no exploration money in reserve. Mexico nationalized oil in 30's under PRI or whatever Institution Revolution Party letters. The best results come when the greedy politicians take bribes- capitalism triumphs- to sell gas and special unleaded fuel to US market. Exxon critics should drill a few wells and refine it in competion with Exxon- if they come up with a dry well and can't get a refinery working in less than 10 years of paperwork so they go bankrupt then no problem - the paper printing the article and the Democratic party will cover their losses ( Any bets?). New oilwells and refineries are no problem for the politicians and Lieburals to propose, let them do it. In the Meantime- Exxon will work with what they already have for the next 10 years and build up reserve money, try to keep politicians from stealing the company. The California politicians can expedite refinery permits and open more coastal reserve areas for drilling or shut up about gas prices. RN
You can come up with an example like that,but that doesnt make it true.Look how well its working with no regulation,not very well.Hugo Chavez may not be regulating right.
Lets look at another form of regulation old Russian style.You do it their way or in come the machine guns and nobody is left standing in government.That could be harsh regulation.Maybe we could just put the speculaters in prison instead of shoot them?The answer is there will be regulation,thats what the governments for.If you dont want regulation,quit acting stupid and destroying the economy.In the example with the machine guns,instead of government officials,it would be stock market speculaters.
"Lets look at another form of regulation old Russian style. You do it their way or in come the machine guns and nobody is left standing in government."


We all saw how well that worked. The term "scrap heap of history" defines how it ended.

Even with "gun barrel regulation" and natural resources greater than any other nation in the world (including the United States) the Soviet people still starved in the bread lines until they got rid of the government regulators that enforced a policy that ensured shortages.
Those that believe and think that the oil companies have unfair tax breaks simply do not understand that companies do not (pay taxes). Companies to stay in a profit condition just collect the imposed so called taxes by adding it to the product they are selling, (add a coupla percent for handling the money), and the consumer pays the tax when purchasing the product. Any one that does not believe this is just nieve and have been sold the share in the wealth without earning it stuff. Taxing companies makes products cost more and does not reduce profits. Those taxes are called hidden taxes that are designed by politicians fool the consumer. Those hidden taxes are what helps keep our companys looking to other contries to stay competive. Ohio has imposed a tax on companys that is not linked to profit. You can be in the red and still have to pay that tax.
Its probly questionable whether you could support our own country,much less hungry people in the world the Amish way.
There is a good side of your idea.There would be lots more people in the country farming if you did it that way,and that could be whats in the future.
It doesnt seem like farming is going to survive the way it is now.I remember in the 70s how they were always crying about surplus grain and how come thats why prices couldnt go up.They use 20% to make ethanol and start crying that we are going to run out.Somebody is lying somewhere.Pushing all the trees out and planting corn and beans might not be the smartest thing to do with the land.
You couldnt get people that farm a few thousand acres of corn and beans,and have plenty of money,to raise say tomatoes.That might not be the best example but things in agriculture need to change.Also the plant half the county,then pour a bunch of chemicals on it to kill weeds is not going to last either.
The future may be the Amish way,but I bet tractors are still in the future.
Thats not all the Russians messed up.They may be drastic in some ways but they do some things like build AK-47s and stuff for outer space that works.They arent a total failure.
We are going to solve this problem,probly with a drastic measure.Lets hope it works better than Russias did.There will be regulation one way or the other.These speculators should have never been allowed to do this.What you dont want to happen is for Russia to come over here,or send a missle in retaliation for these greedy speculators.Or China,or India.These crooks are messing up the world so you can make a few bucks on the stock market?I doubt the rest of the world cares,and is quite upset,because of your stock earnings at the expense of everybodys economy.If you think about it,thats almost as bad as Russias gun barrel regulation,maybe worse.
As for "cheap"fuel,what difference high priced fuel does to our country and way of life,compared to cheap fuel is this.We had a life when our dollar wasnt devalued and fuel was affordable.This low dollar and high fuel is another thing that is just as stupid as Russias gun barrel diplomacy.Lots of people dont even have money in the stock market,and never will.If you do thats alright,but who said you all could have the economy torn up just so you all could benefit because you have stocks?
Could you give an example where government regulation lead to cheaper prices without a shortage?
Another lack of understanding if you think the Amish are not large users of gas or diesel. They may not drive but I have a Son inlaw, a Grandson, and two Granddaughters that have two semis and three pickups on the road for the Amish hauling cattle. They are a small amount of the people trucking for the Amish in our area.
The Amish are about to put seven additional semis on the road hauling cattle from TN to OK six days a week. Everything sets on Sunday.
The Germans fought the last year of WW2 with next to nothing in crude oil supplies and they fed a nation and supplied and army in the field with the civilian population receiving none of the synthetic fuels they developed. This with thousands of heavy bombers destroying much of what was being produced.
In the 70s there were wage and price controls imposed,by Nixon.That proved to be not the smartest thing to do,but there werent a lot of shortages.As I remember it was only for a couple of months.Now I would take only being able to buy say 10 gallon every other day for 2 dollars a gallon for 2 months,rather than all you can haul at 4 dollars a gallon.
Its whether or not the people doing the regulating have sense or not.Nixon could have removed the controls or adjusted them to avoid the shortage maybe.
It still comes down to this,your stock earnings are going to stop messing up our economy,and if done right there wont be shortages.
If something needs to change because of shortage of fuel,its airplanes,those boats coming from China burn lakes of fuel.I dont remember those having shortages in the 70s,and its been proven it was a farce anyway.
Lots of that stuff in the 70s had to do with Israel and war.Its the same now.The warmongers are running things.They are back over in the middle east,to control the oil in that region.The middle east doesnt want us there,us being warmongers,and they are making everybodys economy suffer for it,to try and run the warmongers off.The warmongers could care less what it does to our economy,and do less than effective means of running our government as they only care about control of middle east oil.Russia,Japan,and other countrys think we are stupid.Also the warmongers dont realize that if they were able to(right after Hell freezes over)control the middle east,it will cause WWIII.
The warmongers also want to be in a position to control Russias pipeline as well.If Russia wanted to sell some oil at a lower price they could blow up their pipeline at the border.
Now control does not mean there has to be shortage.I dont have a good example other than corruption and warmongers and other political reasons cause shortages,but its not completely because of regulation.
Every company is, or should be, operated to maximize the profits of the owners. That is what induces people to invest in companies.

No company pays taxes. Yes, I said that no company pays taxes.

A company merely adds the taxes to the price it charges its customers for the products it sells. If you raise the taxes that Exxon, or any other company pays, they will pass it on to the consumer in higher gasoline and diesel fuel prices. The government forces companies to be tax collectors. If a company cannot raise prices enough to pay the taxes, it goes out of business.

The customers, that is you and me, the end product consumers, pay all the taxes. It has always been that way, it will always be that way.

Why is it that some people don't understand that?

Instead of posting nonsense on internet forums, why not spend your time and energy urging your Congressmen and Senators to spend less money?

Entitlements are now more than 50% of the federal budget. Way more than any other expense, including defense. Yet polititians get elected by promising more and more entitlements to more and more people. How can that be? Think about it.

Sure, raise taxes on Exxon. Then wonder why gas prices go up.
This year SS recipients will receive record payments. Well, i'll tell you that his year and most other years the SS money goes up but everything else does also. My SS went up 46 dollars a month. My medicare payment went up 8 dollars per mo. So that leaves 38 $. My medicare supplement went up 27 $ That leaves 11$ Gas has gone up about 30$ per month. that leaves - 19$,. Food has gone upaT LEAST 40$ PER MONTH. that leaves -59$ Cost of living for SS is figured excluding energy and food. So record payments mean less money than we ever had before. Go figure. Jack
I agree 100 %, companies do not pay taxes,we the people do.but at the same time the companies dig into the public trough more than the we the people are allowed to.
the cities ,states and counties not mentioning the feds give countless billions to big business all at the taxpayers expense.
This year SS recipients will receive record payments. Well, i'll tell you that his year and most other years the SS money goes up but everything else does also. My SS went up 46 dollars a month. My medicare payment went up 8 dollars per mo. So that leaves 38 $. My medicare supplement went up 27 $ That leaves 11$ Gas has gone up about 30$ per month. that leaves - 19$,. Food has gone upaT LEAST 40$ PER MONTH. that leaves -59$ Cost of living for SS is figured excluding energy and food. So record payments mean less money than we ever had before. Go figure. Jack
You've never lived around Amish. Everyone has a propane tank by their house, thousands of Amish taxis around here, wood chippers, chain saws, tractors, generators, lawn mowers, loaders, dozers, etc,. Then there's Walmart, McDs, the doctor, visiting relatives in other states, paying to have everything hauled, etc.
So you like capitalism when it benefits you and socialism when it benefits you. How is it you don"t want to pay for either? And how do you expect both at the same time?
As for the "poor American". How can you be born into the richest country in the world and not be able to take care of yourself and pay your way?
Yet the immigrants who did survive, with nothing, and were washup 1/2 dead on a beach. In a few years they have worked hard, worked smart and have built a comfortable secure life. How?
Where did this spoiled " I"m entitled because I"m an American" attitude arise from?
My stance and how I've posted several times, trucker40. Somebody always argues against it because they're making 10 cents to a dollar lose by investing in oil and they think they're getting rich.
Nancy, you need to understand one basic principle of corporations.

The only reason they care about you is to buy their stuff. They are graded on their quarterly performance.

If they do poorly they can"t borrow money at a nnalert and that sort of thing so they have to keep their stock rating high. Their corporate vision is in the quarter of the year sort of thing. Not conducive to good business practices, but the stock market is king and they have to Kiss A...

What you need to do is to not try to fight "city hall". Join them.

Sorry , but this is the truth.

here is where farming is headed, You won't be able to sell your product without a contract. A small contract won't be accepted. Much like hogs in my area. Very few places to sell hogs at all now if you are independent. Most other crops will go the same way. The government payment programs will be available to only larger producers and if you don't have over 51% of your income as farm income your expenses won't be deductible. You will have to pay higher property taxes than the large corporate farms because you don't show at least 51% of your income comes from the farm. You won't be able to be a full time farmer because you can't buy inputs nearly as cheaply as the large corporate farmer can so you have to work off the farm. We may as well have had communist Russia take us over cause there is no difference between the state owning everything or if a few large corporations own it all.
Yes, they do. You are quite correct on that.

An entitlement, whether it benefits a company or a person is still paid for by you and me.

We need to reduce overall government spending before we can have truly lower taxes.

Perhaps a complete overhaul is needed.

Put the government on a diet!
I don't understand why this was posted in a Tractor Forum. But anyway...

Why should they try to keep prices down? Why should they increase production for the sake of increasing production?

Exxon is a private corporation that sells petroleum products. That is all.
I don't like the current fuel prices any more then anybody else,... but "crying" about high fuel prices and politics on a tractor forum is a complete waste of time and won't fix diddley-squat,... or, hasn't anyone noticed that yet? :roll: sheeeesh
Why do comment on the topic and cry about it being on a tractor forum in the same sentence? Waa Waa Waa
"This year SS recipients will receive record payments. Well, i'll tell you that his year and most other years the SS money goes up but everything else does also"

My point exactly.

The US post office isn't regulated - its run and subsidised by a government entity that for years claimed a legal monopoly on the industry. Its also one of the most expensive ways to convey information. Today everyone from Fed Ex to DHL takes a big chunk of their business.

To ensure that they keep their remaining "general delivery" the post office has also made it illegal for private carriers to use your privately paid for mail box for delivery effectively eliminating any competition.
"Exxon's flat oil forecast was even more surprising because it came during a meeting when the company was trumpeting a big increase in capital expenditures -- to at least $25 billion a year going forward, up from $21 billion last year.

The company also outlined a slew of big projects, 12 of which are starting up this year. These include the 600 million barrel Kizomba C development off the coast of Angola that began producing on New Year's Day and another in a string of giant liquefied natural gas facilities in Qatar. Unlike oil, Exxon's production of natural gas -- much of it liquefied and shipped in tankers to Asia and Europe -- is projected to climb over the next four years.

But how could oil production be flat? Peer into Exxon's historical numbers and you see the problem Tillerson faces. Since 2000, Exxon's oil output from two of its largest regions, the United States and Europe, declined a startling 37%. That's 500,000 fewer barrels a day in just seven years.

Exxon reported 100,000 fewer barrels per day last year alone due to the nature of the contracts big oil companies sign with countries such as Angola and Nigeria. In such contracts, foreign companies put up the capital to fund new projects, and they are paid back in barrels. If oil prices rise above certain levels, Exxon gets to keep fewer of those barrels as profit for itself.

Exxon plans on bringing new fields online in Russia, the Middle East and Africa over the next four years, but they won't be enough to generate growth beyond what the company is losing due to the maturation of its fields in the North Sea and Alaska, the nationalization of its fields in Venezuela and volumes lost due to those production-sharing agreements with other countries"
"The answer is there will be regulation,thats what the governments for."

Hmmmm . . .I always wondered what government was for. Here I thought it was to defend the constitution and the bill of rights. And to provide national defense. Everything else is socialism.

Asking the government to control commerce is socialism. Any control, taxes, tariffs, production quotas, or profit control reduces the freedom of capitalism.

This thread was started by a whiner that can't figure out how to reduce their dependency on oil, so they blame everyone from the oil companies to government for their plight.

Companies in a capitalistic society are free to make and price a product however they want. We, as consumers, are free to buy it or not. Since most of us haven't found a cheaper source of transportation, then fuel prices must still be pretty attractive.

Quit whining. If you think oil prices are artificially inflated to gouge us, then start your own oil company and give Exxon/Mobil some good 'ole capitalistic competition. If you can't do that, the stop complaining.

Absolutely correct! If the gov't wants to bring the gas prices down, all they would have to do is to temporarily rescind the road taxes on each gallon of gas sold. Since we all have to get by with less, the gov't should lead by example!
Im reasonably sure there are examples.The government regulates.Im not in school and I really dont care.Im not wasteing my time on looking for it.
That may be right as things are now.Corporate farming should be outlawed.Maybe they will all go broke.
That may be true,however those people grew up farming with horses and running their lives a lot differently.After the war lots of them starved,or had little to eat.
The world has changed quite a bit since then.Its amazing that the Germans did what they did.If you get a bunch of people to be slaves and work them to death,maybe you can do that.I dont think I would want to be in Germany while it was happening.I dont think lots of Germans wanted to be there either.
Right!They would be really squalling if they were loosing it in the stock market.Sooner or later they will maybe.Stocks making 10% wont last long.Maybe they even will end up owing money if they arent carefull.
Government"regulates"lots of stuff.Part of it is to defend the constitution and the bill of rights.Now my guess that regulation would be the Military has the most part of that.The commerce and other things have been regulated by treaties,tarriffs,taxes,and lots of other ways since before this country became a Nation.Every Government has divisions of Socialism,and lots of other things.What people that listen to blowhards like Limbaugh and others dont get is,there are all kinds of things going on at one time.You cant really believe Corn is 6.00 a bushel because of "capitalism".Its way more to do with political mishandling.You notice this only happens after you sold your corn,trains have been pulling corn out of my town here harder than I ever saw them run for the last few months.I bet the 2 or 3 million bushels they had is down to very little.I am all for everybody making lots of money.I worked for myself,I like to make what I can.I dont like government regulation any more than anybody else,however there needs to be government regulation.If it werent for government "Socialism"then how would you like like to see lots of folks sleeping in cardboard boxes everywhere because some stock market decides to jack the price of housing up?You could end up that way yourself if you make a couple of bad decisions.
There are necessary things,that people fought wars for,including the bill of rights(which says nothing about a right for you to make money on the stock market)that all governments do,either right or wrong.
I dont remember in the bill of rights that it says you have a right to capitalism.If you think you do,you are mistaken.Our country runs that way for a while,then it goes back to redistribute the wealth.I never am wealthy so I dont get all of it,but people work under the redistribution,and thats what makes capitalism possible when its going strong.Thats for the big money people to play with.However there is no guarantee that you will even have capitalism.You will be lucky to even have a country if you dont wake up.Capitalism is not confined to the United States.You have a free country with conditions.Freedom is not free.You can be drafted,and forced to fight or be shot.This happened in the civil war.You can have a military form of government if they screw the government up,which could happen.If you are on the sea,there is a different form of government there.
Even my younger brother, who is a CPA, MBA, etc. can't understand it, but that's to be expected from a Hillery supporting abundant.
Here in Pa not to far from here a fellow had been leasing some ground off a widow that had no way to maintain her land,[very good farmland]Last fall it was in the paper government would pay her more not to farm it than he could pay to lease it.AS he was a good friend of her husband she was undecided,but leaning toward leasing.---So who does have the monoply,or control?? WE all see it throwed in our face all the time.no money for this and that,+ begging for more money to Feed the children over seas.---I say plant,if you have tillable soil.Then we would not have hungry people over here either.The govnm't could save money,by not paying people not to farm,and use the extra grains to help feed those that no longer have tillable land.---I believe God intended it that way, we were given this life,and world as a test.Choose your politics,REP>DEM> OR CHRISTIAN.---I'm going with the last one.
Sounds a lot like farmers being paid not to grow products in order to bolster prices. It's the way of the Economic world. 'Supply and demand" is the oldest phrase in economics
Sounds a lot like farmers being paid not to grow products in order to bolster prices. It's the way of the Economic world. 'Supply and demand" is the oldest phrase in economics
You go ahead and send your mail Fed EX and see what that costs. US Mail operations is NOT subsidized other than to deliver free to the blind and military and overseas voting ballots. I see nothing wrong with being required to buy a mail box if you want mail service and it only being used for US mail. If you don't like it anyone can use Fed EX or DHL instead. My local paper requires I use a box with their name on it and it can only be used for their paper not for a competitor's paper. I think the US mail is pretty danged efficient. You take that away and then you'll see people b!tch at the cost of sending a letter from one end of the counrty to the other. You couldn't Fed EX a letter across town for twice what the US mail charges. If the government is so inefficient then why have government funded police or firemen? Let's get rid of them too and let KBR do it.
to stop. You just made yourself out as a real "winner". Congrats.


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