Old combine modernization


New User
Hey all, I'm new here but have lurked for a long time.
I recently purchased a '74 IH 715 to harvest 40 acres of wheat. The machine will do an amicable job as it sits, but I've tossed around the idea of "modernizing" it somewhat, mostly just the cab in order to make it a bit more comfortable. The machine itself functions flawlessly, aside from one broken sieve that will have to be replaced. A cab kit is definitely in order, as is a radio and probably an old school swamp cooler as well as a new seat as the old one is completely wore out and tortures my back. Is this something even worth doing? For what I gave for the combine, even if I put $2000 of work into it I still wouldn't be able to buy a newer machine for what I've invested.
Hey all, I'm new here but have lurked for a long time.
I recently purchased a '74 IH 715 to harvest 40 acres of wheat. The machine will do an amicable job as it sits, but I've tossed around the idea of "modernizing" it somewhat, mostly just the cab in order to make it a bit more comfortable. The machine itself functions flawlessly, aside from one broken sieve that will have to be replaced. A cab kit is definitely in order, as is a radio and probably an old school swamp cooler as well as a new seat as the old one is completely wore out and tortures my back. Is this something even worth doing? For what I gave for the combine, even if I put $2000 of work into it I still wouldn't be able to buy a newer machine for what I've invested.
I was right with you up 'til the need for a radio.

I always liked to listen to the "music"of the machine in operation and a change in sound indicated a problem that needed attention even before something went totally wrong.

NO reason to drown that out with a radio, IMHO.
I was right with you up 'til the need for a radio.

I always liked to listen to the "music"of the machine in operation and a change in sound indicated a problem that needed attention even before something went totally wrong.

NO reason to drown that out with a radio, IMHO.
after a season of harvesting , every operator worth his salt knows the sounds of the combine and is ready for anything ...

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