Older style Cub low boy

Quick question. I recently bought a 1963 Cub Loboy and I'd like to get a correct front snow plow. It came with a homemade plow which actually works ok.
I'm going to look at a model 54 A snow plow tomorrow. The as days it for a lowboy. It's pretty pricey but I do see the newer style numbered Loboys plows for less money. Will the newer sheet metal style, numbered low boy implements fit my older style loboy. Thanks! Paul
http://www.external_link/tm-tractor/gim/gim_001.htm if this link doesnt work copy and paste scroll down and you can compare the regular vers loboy grader blade parts
http://www.external_link/tm-tractor/gim/gim_001.htm if this link doesnt work copy and paste scroll down and you can compare the regular vers loboy grader blade parts
go to tmtractorpartsdotcom on the left side scroll down to: How to Hook Up Implements scroll down again and you can see the difference in a regular cub blade and a lo-boy blade you can put the lo boy on a regular but you cant use regular on a loboy because the regular parts are longer and it drops the blade too close to the ground
The correct blade for an "offset LoBoy" is the L-54, no "A" because it came after the "A" and includes all the A's improvements. It's a much rarer and harder to find version.

One easy to spot telltale sign is in the main push frame that mounts under the tractor. The LoBoy one will be very short with the pivot for the blade frame mounted in front.

Yes to what terry and BE said. The web page terry directed you to is actually tmtractordotcom (without the "parts"). Go to "how to hook up implements" then "Comparison between Cub 54A and Lo-Boy L-54". The differences will be obvious with side-by-side pictures.
Yea thank you for straightening me out on that website I
use it quite often dont know why I flubbed it up

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