Olivers so different


Bryant, Ill
Seems every Oliver, 1650 especially, seem different than mine.
My dip stick doesn't show full until 10 quarts of oil is in. Hasn't used a drop of oil since I changed the oil and filter.
I have big tires on my 1650 - 18.4 - 34s on the rear and 750 -16s on the front.
Always when some one shows a picture of their Oliver the PTO shifter is on the right side. Mine is on the left and can't be converted to the right. It could if I had that for a right shifter.
I was trying to some cleaning and not getting a lot done, when I notice the right side of the PTO housing. There's a plug the right side matching the left side. The rod and lever on the left could be changed to right side.
And the Yoke Assembly holes. Some show 3 sets or 6 holes. I have 2 sets for 4 holes.

cleaning 010-1.jpg

cleaning2 001.JPG

1650 oil dip stick 003.JPG

And shaped different. Others are squared off. And the holes not in line like others.
yoke attachs.jpg
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Your dipstick may be from a different engine. My 1655 dipstick shows full with only seven and a half quarts instead of the listed eight and a half or nine quarts. Eventually I checked the serial number stamped on the dipstick with Maibachs and they said it matched up with the 310 Waukesha diesel dipstick. Some previous owner lost or broke the dipstick and stuck the first one they could find in the tractor.
I'll try to remember to measure the dipstick on the 1655, but I have to work tomorrow, might forget for a couple of days.
Your dipstick may be from a different engine. My 1655 dipstick shows full with only seven and a half quarts instead of the listed eight and a half or nine quarts. Eventually I checked the serial number stamped on the dipstick with Maibachs and they said it matched up with the 310 Waukesha diesel dipstick. Some previous owner lost or broke the dipstick and stuck the first one they could find in the tractor.

It's been a while back, but someone brought up his dip stick or amount oil. No clear cut on the correct dip stick.
I'll try to remember to measure the dipstick on the 1655, but I have to work tomorrow, might forget for a couple of days.

Maybe there's the problem, model of tractor. Do you have a manual for your tractor? Amount of oil should be there.

1650 manual shows 8 quarts plus 1 quart for oil filter. Again, I need 10 quarts to show full on the dip stick. Can't remember who said it, but that a couple of quarts over won't hurt anything.

I also notice that after I turn off the tractor oil pressure sort of drops off slow and then holds at 5 for a time.
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I got done early today so I measured the dipstick in my 1655, 9 1/2” long, full mark at 8”. The book says 8 quarts and 1 more for the filter. I wonder if you have the correct oil pan?? Has someone cut the bottom off and added an extra inch or so to increase oil capacity? No other ideas but that does seem odd.
I got done early today so I measured the dipstick in my 1655, 9 1/2” long, full mark at 8”. The book says 8 quarts and 1 more for the filter. I wonder if you have the correct oil pan?? Has someone cut the bottom off and added an extra inch or so to increase oil capacity? No other ideas but that does seem odd.View attachment 95196View attachment 95197
I got done early today so I measured the dipstick in my 1655, 9 1/2” long, full mark at 8”. The book says 8 quarts and 1 more for the filter. I wonder if you have the correct oil pan?? Has someone cut the bottom off and added an extra inch or so to increase oil capacity? No other ideas but that does seem odd.View attachment 95196View attachment 95197

Again, 1655 is not a 1650 and mine is the first year built.

Computer problems here. Drive crashed. Out in the country so no cable, we sit too low for wireless, and satellite is too expensive.
Only option is Dial Up and Windows 7. Robbed Drive from another computer. Windows 7 no longer available, so my sister copied Windows 7 from another computer. Might take a while to get overhauled computer online.
I got done early today so I measured the dipstick in my 1655, 9 1/2” long, full mark at 8”. The book says 8 quarts and 1 more for the filter. I wonder if you have the correct oil pan?? Has someone cut the bottom off and added an extra inch or so to increase oil capacity? No other ideas but that does seem odd.View attachment 95196View attachment 95197
Just got around to adding this. My 1650/1655 Parts Manual shows three different dipsticks.
OAL 11.5 inches. Part # 156 165-A (order 157 974-AS)
OAL 11and 7/8 inches. Part # 157 562-A (order 157 974-AS)
OAL 13.5 inches. Part #157 911-A
Do any of those numbers match up to what's stamped on your dipstick?
Just got around to adding this. My 1650/1655 Parts Manual shows three different dipsticks.
OAL 11.5 inches. Part # 156 165-A (order 157 974-AS)
OAL 11and 7/8 inches. Part # 157 562-A (order 157 974-AS)
OAL 13.5 inches. Part #157 911-A
Do any of those numbers match up to what's stamped on your dipstick?

Pic of my dip stick. Just what you see.
1650 oil dip stick 003.JPG
The parts book gives OAL-Overall Length, which includes the top section.

I don't have a parts book. Going my tape in the above picture, just short of 9 1/2", add the top section and awful close to 11".

If the engines were the same, why the different lengths of dip sticks?

You're showing 2" difference between part #156 165-A and 157 911-A
I don't have a parts book. Going my tape in the above picture, just short of 9 1/2", add the top section and awful close to 11".

If the engines were the same, why the different lengths of dip sticks?

You're showing 2" difference between part #156 165-A and 157 911-A
The parts book doesn't give any explanation for the different lengths and any engine differences. The two shorter ones default to the same replacement parts number, so they must have decided the difference between the two was too small to matter. No idea why the third dipstick is so long. I wish John S. was still around, he might know.

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