Olivers so different

Found another difference, the hard way. Steering tie rod tube broke. Why I don't know. I was just driving in the pasture.
So call Bedwell. He didn't have one and had to order the tie rod tube. Got it today and it's the wrong one. So, Bedwell started checking and found 3 different tie rod tubes for the 1650.
I don't know how many tie rod tubes Bedwell has but a bunch. Copied all the part number and started looking. He found a brand-new complete tie rod assembly. Amazing. And a difference, maybe due to after-market? Instead of a clamp for the screw-in end the tube is thread and has a large nut to tighten. Too big for a #12 crescent wrench.
Would have had it together and done, but the outer ball joint wouldn't come out. Brother has different ball joint spreaders that I'll get to tomorrow.
Might hold up. Down to 9 degrees tonight and high of 19 tomorrow.
1650 tie rod assembly 004-2.jpg
I've had the rod break, the dip stick maybe wrong. The person who first used it knew how to read it.

People didn't used to be made of money or so I heard often as a boy. People did what they could with what they had. Replacing parts on older equipment is always best with part in hand comparing it to what the computer at the store says is the replacement.

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