Oxford Allen Scythe Engine Repower

I know this technically isn't a garden tractor but maybe! If yall know a better place to post let me know. I got this old Allen Oxford and sadly the engine was stolen off of it while in the previous owners hands. I got it and am not sure if a repower is possible. The original engine was a Villiers Mk25 I believe. I also heard the later models have a Kohler K91? Wonder how or what I could use as a motor for this unit, is it even possible?
Any chance you aren't in the United States?
Kohler K91 engine is about 4 horsepower.
Some issues: Was there a gear on the engine crank that mated with that large gear visible in the bore? I am guessing there should be gear oil inside, so you will also have to figure out how to fit a seal in that area. You would also have to re-work that mounting arrangement. I think my K91 has four threaded holes in the face where the crank comes out.

Here, everyone is putting 'Predator' (cheap Chinese) engines on everything.
Any chance you aren't in the United States?
Kohler K91 engine is about 4 horsepower.
Some issues: Was there a gear on the engine crank that mated with that large gear visible in the bore? I am guessing there should be gear oil inside, so you will also have to figure out how to fit a seal in that area. You would also have to re-work that mounting arrangement. I think my K91 has four threaded holes in the face where the crank comes out.

Here, everyone is putting 'Predator' (cheap Chinese) engines on everything.
I am in the USA, overseas parts for these are very abundant. I know the top two and bottom two studs are not the same width apart. I think the top is 4 1/8" and the bottom is 3" something. I think there is a gear on the end of the crank which I'm sure I could find a "general gear" since it is straight cut.
That is the beauty of the 'World Wide Web'. Things that were junked 30 years ago can be fixed now because it is so much easier to connect to a parts source. If guys in the UK and Australia can get parts for their American made stuff from sources over here, you might be able to find parts for yours over there.

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