Pramitol 25E Herbicide?


Well-known Member
The directions are somewhat confusing
1 qt to one to 4 gallons of water.

What concentration do you use?

I used 8 oz to 2 gallons on my driveway.

I figure if it doesn't kill the weed I'll spray it again in 2 weeks.

Last year I bought 2.5 gallons at RK for $100.

I noticed online $190 for 2.5 gallons.

Have chemical prices you use on your fields doubled??

Not sure what RK's price is..
George did it work on where you used it last year. I usually get at least two years out of it. A lot depends on how much water you get after spraying , it has to soak into the ground. Price is up about half at RK .
For those who might not know.......

''Pramitol 25E is a soil sterilizer and would kill all plants it comes into contact with and within typically a 5 foot reach of where it is used. This is only for bare ground applications in areas where you want no plant life to grow for up to one year, such as gravel driveways/walkways, airport runways, etc.''
Yes it worked last year, but not for 2 years..
I slept since I used it last year. Don't remember how strong I mixed it. That's why I only used 8 oz/2 gallons this year as a starting point. I make sure the rocks are wet when I spray.
So I may be putting 8 oz in a smaller area.

If it doesn't work, I'll hit it a second time.

How strong do you mix yours??

How have you been since you sold the farm? Keeping busy?
I mix 6oz to a gal. It can take up to 2 weeks to kill an established weed,but it will kill them and it prevents most weeds from germinating. Just be aware that if you get a quick shower that creates any runoff you will see die off of any plants in the way. I've had run off damage up to 5 days after application. It's all in the directions on the jug.
I have always used 1 quart if a gallon and if where I can reach it with water hose wet it in but not let it run off. A lot depends on how much water one gets after application. It needs to get in the ground.
I used 4 gallons of water mixed with a pint of Pramitol. Applied it on 2 gravel driveways. No fear of it running off the rocks..
It didn't take long before the water evaporated...

Mixing it at your rate, I would need a gallon to do 2 driveways..Ouch, that would be costly....
Remember jm, I'M CHEAP!!

Take care, stay's going to be 100 today..
Going cheap (weak mix) on herbicides is a mistake that results in plant immunity to the herbicide. For example: roundup/glysophate resistant mares tail in crops. Pramitol is only supposed to be sprayed on a piece of ground once a year, and should be done before a light rain to soak it into the soil, which is the hard part! Mark.
I'm not a fan of having to be certified or registered to use herbicides/pesticides but these are reasons I can see for it. People don't read the full label just the mixture and don't consider the rate for the use and over apply. Then The next thing on the news is how all these farmers are over applying all these chemicals farming and contaminating everything. Yes some of this is being painted with a broad brush, but if the paint sticks wear it. I try to figure it like I was going use 20 gallons of water per acre then the amount for that and divide back to the size of area I'm going to cover with it. This helps to reduce chances of over application from ozs into gallons and then covering a 1/4 acre with an acre of product. Like when spraying the sweetcorn in the garden. Is one place where I use this plan. Soil contamination I still believe is done by more suburbanites and house owners then by most farmers over the long haul. It is just to costly for those kinds of mistakes or uses on a large scale to be practical for that.
You are right! If you read the label, it says only ONE application per year. For small sprayers, it tells a percentage that you should mix the chemical = basic math. So many ounces per gallon, 128oz, will make the percentage. And it is a known fact that plant resistance/immunity to the chemical is the result of under mixing. The chemical maker tests their product and you should use it like they recommend-not too much, not too little. Your extension office agent should be able and more than willing to help answer questions about weed control. Mark.
I think you might be onto something. I'm using Pramitol on a gravel driveway, not dirt.
So mixing it with more water, the pramitol may make it to the dirt not drying on the gravel..
Or pramitol isn't designed for gravel.
Roundup will kill when it comes in contact with. So does Pramitol need to get to the roots?

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