PSA: Something to know about Profile Posts and privacy.


Well-known Member
Anything you post via "Profile Post" is viewable and can be see by anyone.
You can see the beginning of a Profile Post in the column on the right on the homepage.
Also in the headers near the top there are two links called "What's New". On that/those pages the entire Profile Post of everyone are shown in full towards the bottom half of that page.

Profile Posts should probably not be used for person-to-person chit chat.

Some might add Profile Posts to maybe list what tractors they have or had.
Maybe what type of farmer or rancher, etc.
Whatever you want. But do not post there if you do not want others to see.

It might be wise to go into your Preferences and get into the Privacy settings.
There you can prevent everyone from communicating with you via your profile page by selecting "Nobody" then click "save" at the bottom.

That way people are forced to use "Conversations" which is private.

Start at #1


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