Continued the saga this afternoon, among other distractions - on the chance that there are people interested here's another set of pictures -
the brake rod seals came in the mail - the 4000 series including this 4500 have wet brakes located in the trumpets - where the actuating rod enters the housing there is a flexible boot that keeps the oil inside and the rest of the world out - - the oil level is above the seal, so if damaged or worn out the differential lubricant leaks out - there remains quite a bit of fluid in the differential, but not as much as there should be -
I removed the running boards for access - the parking brake mechanism is missing - if anyone has the pieces they'd consider selling let me know - the foot throttle mechanism is there and works, after a fashion, but needs refurbished - I hadn't planned on doing that right now, but I went ahead and disassembled all the pieces and took them over to the sandblasting shop that did the spindles -
I pried the old seal out of the housing - here it is next to a new one - I'd say it's used up...
the seal has a spring that holds it tight in a rebate(?) on the shaft and the outside presses into the axle housing -
it's difficult to get the small diameter over the rod and seated in the rebate - I got the seal nice and warm in hot water and used a couple of dull screwdrivers to encourage the seal into position, then used an appropriate sized socket to drive and seat the seal into the axle housing -
I did both sides - it is a PITA, despite being described as an 'easy fix' --
while I'm in the area I'll refurbish the linkages - the clutch rod was in rare condition and one thing I did a few years back is to get a bag of 3/8" pins the length that is commonly used in a lot of linkages on many models of Ford tractors - whenever I'm dealing with worn pins I just replace them -
the pins take care of half the slop, the clevises are often worn also - I braise them and drill to get back to a nice comfortable fit -
I'd guess I'll not get the sandblasted parts back till next week - I've got a short list of things to pick up from Ford/NH and I've got to decide what I'm doing about paint -
I also adjusted the valves hot and believe I have all the gasoline leaks/seeps tightened up - the two fittings on the lift pump did not want to seal - the neutral safety switch is bypassed and using a continuity tester I've determined it does not work - whether it's a bad switch or a problem with the shifter mechanism remains to be determined...