Quick fixes on tractors

I had the main drive shaft on my bean head break one afternoon. I had the dealer order one for me to pick up at the depot in Moline the next morning. Rain was moving in that night so I pulled the shaft out, threw it on the shop floor and welded the broken end back on - just butt welded, not grooved out and welded up with multiple passes like you would for a long term repair. The shaft ran perfectly straight (more luck than skill) and I finished the field that night. Next morning I ran and got the new shaft which is still laying on the shelf in my shop 12 years later. Probably about 8,000 acres on a weld that I hoped would run a couple hours.
That weld won't break til the next time rain is coming.
My brother did the same as Fred Werring. Last spring during planting time the left front wheel came off of his CIH 3230 loader tractor and the spindle threads were stripped. He had the nut tack welded on until planting time was over, purchased a proper sized grade 8 bolt with hole and castle nut from a machine shop and had a local machinist cut the old threaded part off the spindle and took the appropriate length from the grade 8 bolt and welded back onto the spindle and all was good.

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