
Thanks for the help in finding the rivet pin for the reverse gear in my 140. I got it in but having a hard time mushrooming the pin I can not hold the bottom enough to flatten out the top. I was wondering if anyone new a tool I could use or a trick to do that thanks
Thanks for the help in finding the rivet pin for the reverse gear in my 140. I got it in but having a hard time mushrooming the pin I can not hold the bottom enough to flatten out the top. I was wondering if anyone new a tool I could use or a trick to do that thanksView attachment 65415
Can you somehow put at least some support against the bottom, then quickly heat the top red hot and smack it with a hammer and "rivet setting punch"?
i dont know what all is in that connection, is it a spline? or a smooth shaft slide together. it cnt be just that pin driving the shaft. my thinking is to install a roll pin. no peening required.

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