RTV silicone?


Well-known Member
Best way to extend the life of RTV that comes in 3.5 0z metal

I store the glue and cleaner I use on PVC pipe upside down in
the fridge.
It lasts for years.

I wonder if storing Silicone in the fridge will help.
Do you have a better idea?
I have tried every trick in the book this one works well for me on the tube you speak of. Some tubes are standard thread either course are fine, some are metric. I don't think putting a tapper on the end of the bolt matters I can so its the way I do it. Once its set up you will need to lock tite the nut on the bolt.
It would be nice if someone made a metal cap, those plastic caps do not seal and break/crack. On the clear tubes I buy at a home supply I keep them in a plastic bag in the shop frig.


If you have to drill out the harden RTV you are in trouble : (
For years I've stored glues and silicones that are in smaller tubes with good results in the old mason jar with a good sealing lid ?? I agree, those plastic caps on a tube do not seal, your glue gets air and drys out-- useless.. You need to put them in a air-tight container!!!
The cold temperature will extend the life of most products. I've got PVC glue, can of plastic dip and some adhesion promoter in my fridge. It would stand to reason it would help silicone too.
I squeeze a little out and then put a piece of aluminum foil over the top and then screw the lid down on top. Then I put it in a plastic bottle with a large lid,
I do the same with JB Weld. It works for me, maybe because I use it once a month or so.

I always have 2-3 tubes going at one time for months. I never have one go bad. I just toss them in the drawer when done. All I do is start the cap on, squeeze the tube a little to fill the air space, then finish threading the cap on. Super quick and easy. No special handling or storage conditions. Just keep the air away.
I have noticed on the new tubes the lid splits about
right in the middle. The spot seems to hold up better I
just squeeze a little out the end and let it dry
sometimes a tube will still go bad

I just squeeze out a 1/4 and then force the top down on it, squirting it out around the cap but pretty much making an air tight seal.
(quoted from post at 08:20:25 04/23/23) I just squeeze out a 1/4 and then force the top down on it, squirting it out around the cap but pretty much making an air tight seal.

That is how I do it as I posted earlier. You can't get any faster or easier.
(quoted from post at 17:01:11 04/23/23) Grease is a good idea if I opened the tube.
What about new tubes not opened?

Open them, leave the cap off. Two days later throw them away.
You would think if you never broke the seal opening the tube, it would stay fresh a long time.

Have no idea what the shelf life is of that stuff.

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