Small show yesterday


Well-known Member
My club had a small show at the Old Moravia Store yesterday. Threatening weather Friday and Sunday held attendance down a little. We still had a good time. I had a nice visits with my friend and fellow YT'er dcarp. He's been busy baling hay. Made it home safe west on I 10.


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My club had a small show at the Old Moravia Store yesterday. Threatening weather Friday and Sunday held attendance down a little. We still had a good time. I had a nice visits with my friend and fellow YT'er dcarp. He's been busy baling hay. Made it home safe west on I 10.
Those big Superiors must have been plentiful in the oil fields. They have a nice throaty din when they run.
Those big Superiors must have been plentiful in the oil fields. They have a nice throaty din when they run.
When I was in Automotive school in Vincennes Indiana, I had opportunity to be around them. They were pretty muffled and slow, running on Wellhead natural gas. The wells were compound oil/gas. With 15 or so in a 1/2 mile radius it was noisy and stinky. Jim
A couple of more shots from a different camera. More folks showed up later too.


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My club had a small show at the Old Moravia Store yesterday. Threatening weather Friday and Sunday held attendance down a little. We still had a good day time. I had a nice visits with my friend and fellow YT'er dcarp. He's been busy baling hay. Made it home safe west on I 10.
John, always good to visit with you & your cousin. I made it home safely, the 2 1/2 miles up FM 957. Wish I had more time to wander around the show.
I would like to make it to the show someday. Met dcarp and his wife when I was there last year but it was before the show, I believe. I have a sister and brother-in-law and their families in the Moulton area.
When I was in Automotive school in Vincennes Indiana, I had opportunity to be around them. They were pretty muffled and slow, running on Wellhead natural gas. The wells were compound oil/gas. With 15 or so in a 1/2 mile radius it was noisy and stinky. Jim
Do you recall anything about “barkers”
I would like to make it to the show someday. Met dcarp and his wife when I was there last year but it was before the show, I believe. I have a sister and brother-in-law and their families in the Moulton area.
Be in Mouton July 27 - 28 for the Jamboree. Parade, music, tractor show, tractor ride around town and games after. It might be a bit warm but fun anyway.

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