steering post nuts


New User
Hello, I am looking for a source to buy 2 of the 13/16ths by 28 thread steering post nuts and lock washer for a 9n. If anyone has any for sale or knows where I can buy them I would appreciate it. thanks.
our host has them:

Steering Wheel Nut, Black - Nut, steering wheel ACORN style. 5/8-18, Black. For tractors: 9N, 2N {1939-1947}. (Part No: 351103CCBlack) $8.28

Steering Wheel Nut, Chrome
Steering Wheel Nut, Chrome - Nut, steering wheel ACORN style. 5/8-18, CHROME PLATED. For tractors: 9N, 2N {1939-1947}. (Part No: 351103CC)
meant to add this:
yes I need the steering post nuts and a lock washer that goes between them. thanks for trying guys.

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