Strange sighting


Well-known Member
I was hauling manure today. Coming home,I saw a helicopter come down and land in the edge of the field a half a mile south of the barn. The wife drove down the road with the binoculars and looked. She said there were three guys that she saw. One walked out in the field,one walked in to the woods and one was walking around the helicopter. It was down for close to half an hour. She called the cops. The dispatcher said she was the third call to report a helicopter hopping around from one field to another. There was an officer in the area,but she said he was tied up. She was still on the phone when it took off and the dispatcher said the officer could see it. They had shut it right down,the rotor wasn't turning.

It circled over town and went below the trees north of town. When I came back from taking the next load out,it was back up,headed west down to the south again. I saw it go behind the trees and didn't see it again.

It didn't look black,so I didn't get the tin foil out. It wasn't a small one,looked to be four passenger,too small for AeroMed or military,but not some little hobby outfit either. Looked to be dark blue with white trim.
Darned if I know what they'd have been up to. Too early for mushrooms or growing dope.
An identical thing happened here several years ago. A helicopter landed in my back neighbor's field about 1000 yards away along a wood line. Three men got out, wandered around for about half an hour, then took off. I couldn't tie it to anything at the time, but not long after that it was announced that we were sitting atop a huge shale formation full of natural gas. Soon after that Chesapeake was drilling a well about 300 feet from where they set down. Still don't know if the two events were related; they may have landed just to take a leak and have a smoke. Guess I'll never know for sure.
Probably, the guy that walked into the woods had to take a dump. The guy in the field was thinking that the wife was going to be mad because he was going to be late for supper, so he was kicking dirt and swareing at the guy in the woods, and the pilot was just makeing sure his machine was A-OK.
Or, maybe it was part of Hilery's election team looking for more dirt on Donald.
There's a huge steel tower power line a quarter mile south of where they landed. When I saw them in that general area,I thought they were inspecting that,but that doesn't explain them being on the ground for half an hour with everything shut down,or flying north and coming down again after they left. The power line runs east and west. They weren't going slow when they left either. In fact,I can't imagine that bird would go any faster. Same thing when they came up again and went west. They were south of the power line that time and going at warp speed.

If they do drill,that's OK with me too. I'm leased.
If it was on your property and its posted it would be trespass (baring aside a bonified emergency with the craft). If one landed on my property I would be over and asking questions!!! Agree it may have been to do with power, cell phone tower, or pipeline.
Think they use red helicopters for death camps. Blue/white is probably just an ebola "treatment" center, or perhaps a vaccination center.
If it had been on my place they would have had to answer a good number of questions and probably even had at least 2 armed people doing the asking. Plus if they did not answer correctly the cop would have been here and then would have had them taken away
Could have they been trimming trees along a power line? They do that alot here. Sometimes people get out and hand trim and sometimes they have a big saw blade that hangs down.they darn near killed a guy with it when he was in his deer stand.
A small helicopter landed in my neighbor's field . Two guys got out, walked to my neighbor's barn where the neighbor was standing and asked him if he had any gasoline. He sold them five gallons and they flew away. They were headed for California and my neighbor and I are in northwest Iowa.

Wish I could edit. Anyway, I don't see anything spooky or clandestine about a helicopter landing in my field. As visible and noisy as a helicopter is I can't see anyone trying to commit a crime using a chopper. I think we have been watching too many James Bond movies. LOL
Probably just DEQ and EPA checking up on you, making sure you're not up to no good. You're not big enough to get a free pass lol.

Maybe. I'd forgot about the stealth hypnosis feature that makes you think you're seeing something else.
Lived near Mineral Wells Tx back in the late 60s. Primary helicopter training at Fort Wolters. They had hundreds of 2 man choppers. It wasn't uncommon to see a chopper setting in the bar ditch on the way to work. One Saturday I was sitting in the back yard in a lawn chair. A chopper sat down beside me, probably less than 50 ft. away. The pilot jumped out ran over with a hand full of maps and said I am lost, can you tell me where I am. I showed him on his chart and he took off.
my guess is the state police marijuana patrol. They fly around with some magnified camera and if they spot something suspicious they land and investigate. Most times it is nothing but accassionally they find a garden plot of greens that need to be conviscated. landed in my sister in laws yard and took the 4 plants from her back deck that they saw from the air. She figured that was that till 4 months later 2 cuisers pulled in to take her to jail, and sm. son to foster care. Father in law brought over $700 and that kept both from going anywhere. Ended up with probation and restitution. But your description and hers match. Your county may not know or are playing ignorant to keep suspitious people relaxed.
I was a student pilot there in 1960 and went back as an instructor pilot in 1965. I remember going down low enough to read a small town census sign to see where I was. One of our instructors would fly out to a restaurant every morning to have breakfast with whichever student he was flying with. One morning the starter wouldn't budge when he was trying to leave the restaurant. He used the old dollar bill trick on the starter brushes. Worked like a charm. On the post proper, helicopters had right of way over anything. We'd make emergency, engine out autorotations to streets and roads. Full touch down. Road signs saying helicopters had right of way were all over the post. We could launch over 200 helicopters from the main heliport in about 10 minutes. Highly organized but it looked like shear madness to casual passers by. Each instructor was supposed to have no more than three students. I had five in my last class there as an instructor. Two were Vietnamese.
Wrong time of year for that thought Mike. They found some on my land a few years ago. Followed a well worn path right to a near by trailer.
Hi, You don't live anywhere near an Enbridge pipeline do you? Your description of the helicopter sounds just like the one we have. They do bi weekly patrols and if they see anyone digging near our pipeline sometimes they will land and give them a good talking to. The pilot will sometimes even wait for one of us to get there. I am thinking you live somewhere around Ionia??? Cant really remember however you have spoke about springport/parma area too I think. We do go through there. Any way, just a thought as there could be another pipeline in your area. I know our pilot had the cops called on him once for landing at a hotel in Marshall for the night.
Forgot the picture
Similar looking chopper,but no pipelines around here. No digging going on anywhere near where they landed either.
Wouldn't all the pot be harvested long before now? Maybe they saw some old dead plants. I have heard of pot growers cutting out a square in the middle of a corn field and planting pot there. The pot is then harvested before the corn is harvested.
We were combining wheat around a missile silo in Colorado and a helicopter showed up. It just circled and left. That silo must have been a live one.

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