TD9 series B quit


TD9 crawler engine quit while driving. It does turn over fine. I have fuel to the Roosa injector pump. My thought is that the pump quit turning. Is this a common thing? I assume it is gear driven. Maybe one of you have a different idea what the problem is. Any help would be appreciated.

You can take off the timing window on the side and see if the pump is turning when cranking. If it’s not, the pump head probably seized and this will twist off the pump drive shaft.
Finally got crawler home and the pump taken off. It froze up and broke shaft. Not sure why it froze up, maybe just age. Got a use one sent out to be rebuild.
Good to hear that you got it going. I had a 9B with direct drive and a turbocharger on it. The powershift engine did not have a turbo as the engine ran at a higher rpm. I had a TD8=E after that and have a TD9-H now,

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