TO-35 Dual Stage Clutch Adjustment

This message is a reply to an archived post by JohnUK on October 01, 2012 at 03:22:13.
The original subject was "Re: TO35 Dual Stage Clutch Adjustment".

have a similar problem with my 1959 Fergy 35, dual clutch.
The gear change works acceptably. The PTO however, can only be engaged either with the engine off, or, by moving the PTO lever whilst the engine is stopping, teasing it in as the shaft rotation slows. Any attempt to engage the PTO with the engine running just results in a very noisy grinding of gears.
I have adjusted the pedal free travel as per the manual; 9.5mm. I have adjusted the 3 pressure plate adjusting screws so that the clearance between the screw heads and the rear pressure plate is around 2mm.
If I get my missus to press the clutch pedal down while I?m observing the clutch operation through the access door, I can see that the second phase of operation is not working as required; only one of the three adjusting screws can be seen pressing against the rear pressure plate, with the result that there is, at that point on the circumference of the driven plate, a visible gap. At the other two adjusting screws, the rear pressure plate does not seem to move, with the result that there is no visible separation between the rear pressure plate and the driven plate at those points
I conclude that, whoever fitted the clutch did not adjust the three fingers properly before joining the two parts of the tractor.
I further conclude that it is not possible to adjust three fingers once the tractor is joined once more.
This may or may not be of help.
I have NO experience with the TO-35.......

Only the MF 35.......

See pics.........

Bob. Owner MF FE 35 X...Dual Stage clutch...






Bundy Bears has a 45 min video on adjusting the clutch on a 135, which is the same as the to35, he goes in great detail, and at one point he says you cannot adjust the fingers from the cover plate at the bottom, it must be done while splitting.

This could also be a warn PTO clutch disk, was there lots of dust / metal rivets when you remove the clutch plate. one option to engage the PTO would be to engage it when the tractor is off, but if the clutch is really warn it also means it won't disengage in an emergency when you press the pedal
Mine is a MF35
All info seems to suggest that it s not possible to adjust the clutch fingers through the access aperture underneath once the tractor is assembled.
There was no cover on the aperture when I bought the tractor but it does look like the friction plate of the PTO clutch is relatively new.
I ve found that I can get by if I engage the PTO by slipping it in as the engine is stopping, not much grating then.
As I m using the PTO currently for a lo splitter, I m not too worried bout being able too stop the PTO with the clutch, so I ll probably just keep doing that for now.
I ll split the tractor later, when I m well ahead with the logs.

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