Turbo sizing help


Need help choosing a turbo for my Farmall 560. I plan to still use this tractor for hay but not anything more than that. Be nice to turn it up a bit. Any ideas on intake and exhaust sizing ?
Need help choosing a turbo for my Farmall 560. I plan to still use this tractor for hay but not anything more than that. Be nice to turn it up a bit. Any ideas on intake and exhaust sizing ?
I'm thinking that M&W used to make a kit for 560s. I bet if you look around,,,,,,,,, gm
I have and haven’t been able to find one. Looking for comparable sizing and I’ll fabricate my own manifold. I’m. It sure what the original turbo sizes were
You're more likely to get an answer to this on the Farmall forum of this website. gm
IHC had there own post factory turbo set up, said it was for "high altitude" It was for dealer install. The 560 was outdated as soon as it came out in the horsepower race. Most other companies had a bigger HP tractor soon after. IHC had to wait until the 706, 806 and the later 1206 came out.

Here is a diagram of the kit

They also had a bigger cfm dry air filter to feed the turbo as a part of the kit or separate order. There is a chance the turbo could suck the oil out of the original air cleaner, causing a engine run-away. Many TD-9B turbos were installed by ordering the parts from a local dealer before the kit was offered....James
That’s a great write up. Now just need help with the exhaust A/R I guess. Not sure it matters as long as it’s comparable to the intake side
Need help choosing a turbo for my Farmall 560. I plan to still use this tractor for hay but not anything more than that. Be nice to turn it up a bit. Any ideas on intake and exhaust sizing ?
I would think a turbo from a 301 Allis Chalmers would be just fine. They are scraping M's L's combines 190xt's and 7000's 7020's 8010's tractors. Our F2 combine has a turbo as well but should be smaller, but don't know. They are 200 cu. I have a 6060 as well with that 200 engine. And I turned it to 100 hp. Before they delivered it new. Also you would have the flange to weld to your IH manifold.
Thank you. Anyone know where to send the pump to ? Or is it easy to do yourself. I called Schied they wanted $1,500 to take it 20%
I don't know where you are. But I use C & D diesel shop at Eldorado Il. Larry 618 273 9862. Ask him the right questions. You don't have to do much pump work if you can use like a 806 or a 1206 pump on a 560. I have a 7080 pump on a D17.


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Are those pumps the same ? Just allow more fuel ?
The 560 pump has light load advance that needs to be set carefully on the test stand, while an 806/1206 pump will fit it won't last long as it has a steel pilot bushing instead of the brass one needed like the 560 pump has. I had an AC 301 turbo on my 560 for awhile, and it worked OK, but I have a smaller turbo with a 10 PSI wastegate on now that I like better that makes boost at a lower speed the way I use the tractor, running 1200/1600 RPM I have a 706 D282 pump on my test stand know in for repair, most Stanadyne/Roosa pumps I see are just under 500 parts and labor IF the hydraulic head and cam ring are good.
That’s cool. Can you send me some pictures of your setup in curious to see how you did it. My biggest concern is how to get away from the fuel tank being a issue

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