Turbo sizing help

Does anyone know if there are bigger nozzles available for the injectors on a D282 or it any other engine injector nozzles that are bigger would work ?
Does anyone know if there are bigger nozzles available for the injectors on a D282 or it any other engine injector nozzles that are bigger would work ?
That engine DOES NOT need bigger injector valves, they will pass MUCH more fuel than that engine can use anyway. There were two used, the EARLY engines used the American Bosch ADE valve, the late engines use the smaller IH valve. They can be identified by looking at the fitting the line connects to, if the hex is 3/4 inch wrench size, it's the early valve which is no longer available. If the hex is 9/16 inch, injector has the late valve which are available but VERY EXPENSIVE. And injectors are the LEAST of your worries, holding a head gasket on that engine is your next challenge..
So after the turbo should I just Give it more fuel at the torque screw before messing with the internal screw ?
You won't gain much with the torque screw IF pump is set stock, and I'll bet it's already backed out anyway as most are when BUBBA finds out it's something he can play with. QUESTION, just how much power are you wanting out of it when done? I have my 560 set at 80/85 PTO HP to help the head gasket LIVE, with 9/10 PSI boost under full load with a clean exhaust.
That’s what I’m looking for
You will BARELY get it with the AC 301 turbo unless engine is running at a higher speed, I had that turbo on my 560 awhile and didn't like it as I use my 560 mostly 1100/1500 rpm and the AC turbo is TOO large to make any boost at that speed, but would work well at 1800/2400 range.
I was wondering. I am using mine mainly at PTO speeds also. It’s used to bale hay and occasional plowing still trying to figure out what turbo to use I’m looking at a .57 A/R turbo like the info sent earlier says the stock turbo setup was.
DieselTech can you send me a picture of the location you used for the oil supply to the turbo ? I’m having a hard time with that
DieselTech can you send me a picture of the location you used for the oil supply to the turbo ? I’m having a hard time with that
No picture, but look on the oil filter side of the block near the serial number. There's a cast oil rail passage with several 1/8 inch pipe plugs in it. Any one can be removed and the oil supply fitting line installed there. You could also use the oil pressure gage port and tee into that for the turbo supply.

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