
Well-known Member

I just bought this sickle bar, I need to identify it. Might someone know the model

Looks like a new Holland do you have any more pictures?
As I understand it, Anonymous-0 was the username that was used to carry over posts of those that had not been around for years and those that did not update their email before/during the change over to the new software. This is about a year-old post (from before the change over) Don't count on an answer.
As I understand it, Anonymous-0 was the username that was used to carry over posts of those that had not been around for years and those that did not update their email before/during the change over to the new software. This is about a year-old post (from before the change over) Don't count on an answer.
Ok thanks I didn't know that.
As I understand it, Anonymous-0 was the username that was used to carry over posts of those that had not been around for years and those that did not update their email before/during the change over to the new software. This is about a year-old post (from before the change over) Don't count on an answer.

Anonymous-0 must be a dumping ground of posts made by many users for some reason.

No way that just one has 300k+ posts.

And how does it get a Dec. 0f 2023 date of post in this thread if not seen since 2014???

Interesting glitch.

Anonymous-0 must be a dumping ground of posts made by many users for some reason.

No way that just one has 300k+ posts.

And how does it get a Dec. 0f 2023 date of post in this thread if not seen since 2014???

Interesting glitch.

View attachment 89755
From what Chris said, when posts with that username started appearing after the changeover, it is a dumping ground from what Chris said when posts with that username started appearing after the changeover. Some of the posts might even be by current users, many by those no longer around. Some of it may have been due to the way the archives and Classic worked when they brought things over. They used to have an Anonymous and also Guests posting, I believe.

Edit to add the thread where Chris commented on this.

Member withe 396K posts
Last edited:
From what Chris said, when posts with that username started appearing after the changeover, it is a dumping ground from what Chris said when posts with that username started appearing after the changeover. Some of the posts might even be by current users, many by those no longer around. Some of it may have been due to the way the archives and Classic worked when they brought things over. They used to have an Anonymous and also Guests posting, I believe.

Edit to add the thread where Chris commented on this.

Member withe 396K posts

I posted on that thread too about the same dates!


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