Update: TO-20 water pump


Got the new water pump, purchased on this site. installed. Perfect fit. No problems at all, except the radiator mount bolts and the pivot bolts on the cowling.. Going to town in the morning and get some bolts and some antifreeze.


Forgot to say that no thermostat was installed in the upper hose. I also am replacing both hoses and putting a thermostat in. I think I will add a temperature gauge also.

This post was edited by Hdonly on 12/06/2023 at 04:35 am.
Since you are up-grading, I,d rework/ rebuild the welds on that ad-delco alt. bracket. Now is the Time' right.??
All back together and running again. Blew a lot of water out of the radiator as the new thermostat kept opening and closing as the trapped air bled out. Once all the trapped air got replaced by coolant, it actually runs cooler than it did without the thermostat in it. I don't understand why people remove thermostats from engines.
When I worked on mine performing a similar job, I found that some previous owner had installed the absolute wrong bolts for the cowl hinge as well as the radiator mount bolts. My thermostat was also missing. All corrected now. Glad yours is back in business.
(quoted from post at 22:51:33 12/09/23) When I worked on mine performing a similar job, I found that some previous owner had installed the absolute wrong bolts for the cowl hinge as well as the radiator mount bolts. My thermostat was also missing. All corrected now. Glad yours is back in business.

My cowling was missing the bolt and the captive nut on the right side. It was a pain raising and lowering it. I used a bolt, couple of washers and a nyloc nut to replace it. Works really good now. I modified a Ford NAA front bumper so I could easily remove the upper center section so the cowling would open.



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