W Speed Patrol

I just thought I would let all of you A C collectors know of an upcoming auction here in Conway, Mo. on June 21st. There is a running W Speed Patrol listed. This is a 1940 model with serial # 1E167. There is also a running wide front WD45 with loader and some misc. parts for a WD45 including rims and sheet metal and a complete running engine. These tractors will be in use up to the auction date. You can e-mail me for more info.
The auctioneers name is Bill Luallin. He is semi retired and does not have a web site. I can email you a copy of the sale bill if you want. Just send your email to [email protected]. The auctioneers phone number is 417-533-2653. Thanks
Yes we live in Conway. I've been to Camdenton a time or two. This auction is actually out by Rader if you have ever been there.

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