What kind of seeder is this


New User
Does anyone know what model this seeder is or anything about it and is their a manual pdf file for it


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It looks in very fine shape so I'm surprised that there isn't a tag somewhere on it that would help in your search.
I haven't picked it up yet doing that on Friday but am gonna try and plant Friday night with it so want to try and get as much info as I can before then
It's a test plot drill. Cute little feller ain't it. Will take for ever to plant more than about an acre with it. Better parts machine and find a regular drill for that. As for model I have no idea.
It's a test plot drill. Cute little feller ain't it. Will take for ever to plant more than about an acre with it. Better parts machine and find a regular drill for that. As for model I have no idea.
Yea we just doing small plots nothing to much first year going at this so gotta start somewhere

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