Wifey left me!----Home alone with her dog the cats. Pics.

Adirondack case guy

Well-known Member
Well her dog Chloe had to go for a ride around the farm tonight, The wifey took off with her sister from AZ, home for the summer, and headed to our daughters in OH on Thursday, and then the three of them drove to WV. to see my BIL for a couple days. I trimmed the low branches from the trees in the back yard and loaded them on the old Cheby wood gitter/taker this afternoon. I think the dog was ready to go for a ride, but I plum tuckered her out unloading the PU.
It's been so slow around here that the uncles resorted to repainting the fence this week and bushoging all the perimiters of the hay fields.We had overcast skys all day today, and a tractor seat wetter, this morning. Did about as much good as spitting out a cud of chew on a dusty road, but temps were only in mid 70s today. No rain forcast for next week, and temps back into 80s. As seen in some of pics., we are close to bedrock, and the only places the alfalfa is growing is in the seams that run N&S. The second cut seen in the pics. is 3.5 weeks of growth. Beans are about the same color and heigth as best alfalfa picured.















Great pics as usual.Where in Ohio does your daughter live? Seventies would be great, over a hundred here today in central Ohio.
Great pictures and beautiful country. I would love it up there except for the white stuff that comes to visit in the winter time.
I was about ready to send a serch party out for you. You hadn't posted for a while and I was conserned that you may have had some problems. Glad to hear from you!
PS I like the idea of first names here on the Case forum. What is yours?
Loren: Despite the hot & dry, the oats in the pic don't look too bad. Looked @ the neighbors oats & found them almost ready. With the hot & dry, I thought they might have blasted, but didn't find that. But, the corn & beans suffering bad here.
Sorry about that Loren, Mother named me gregg with 3 g's. Well long story my peeper's are gett'en sick. So they(dr.s) are try'en to figure it out. I'am doin fine. Some days better then others. Today is a good one! God Bless
Everything looks beautiful in the pictures, except your pickup truck. I believe you have a small rust problem there.

Harold H

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