1550 Transmission Repair


Well-known Member
My 1550 has a knock in all of the gears on the right side of the transmission, high and low side. I am going to tear into it, probably a bad bearing on one of the shafts. Does the motor and Hydra Power need to come out to get the shafts out to replace bearing or can it be done with the motor and Hydra Power in place? How much does the motor and Hydra Power unit weigh? I'm putting in a Jib Crane rated for 1200#s and plan to use it to pull the hydraulic unit off and if I have to pull motor and Hydra Power out. Thanks, Chris
Your jib crane will be fine. I pulled mine last year with an older cherry picker and left it hanging while I pulled the tractor out from under for pressure washing. I had to replace the nut on the drive sprocket and rear seal. I'd think you would need to pull it if you have to take out the input shaft.

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