165 filter numbers?

My 165 has AGCO filters on it and the numbers on those filters won't cross to anything. My tractor has been converted to a spin on oil filter. My dad has a 135 with a spin on conversion and it takes a NAPA 1460. The fuel filters look like the NAPA 3166's that are on my Ford 380 diesel. So, are my guesses right? Or, if anyone has any other numbers (Carquest, WIX, etc) please let me know!
Well, the fuel filter numbers don't cross to anything. I'm sure somebody has to have a Napa filter on their tractor... I really need the number! Thanks!
The WIX filters Master Catalog shows WIX 33166 fuel filters (NAPA 3166) for later 165's.
The number you have may not cross to anything, but if you use the filter lookup it comes up with a Wix 33166 for the fuel filter. Drop the 1st number and you get the napa number (3166).

It's a really great site to have, if not just to get a good number to use for a cross to another mfg.

Donovan from Wisconsin

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