1973 International Harvester 464 (gas motor) fuel pressu


New User
Hello, I can't seem to find out what the exact fuel pressure is supposed to be. It is a 1973 International Harvester 464 with a gas motor, I need to replace the mechanical fuel pump because it's obsolete & no longer made with an electric one. I need to know what the exact fuel pressure is supposed to be so it can be adjusted on the regulator. I hope someone will be able to help me with the exact fuel pressure. Thank you..
Also what electric fuel pump would be the best one to use on this tractor (so you know I use this tractor on the top & side on the mountain I live on)I hope someone would be able to help me out with this as well. Thank you..

This post was edited by stone69jason on 10/11/2022 at 05:10 pm.
5psi would be plenty. 3psi would be better. That's a very low pressure system,even
free flow would be sufficient on level terrain.
(quoted from post at 17:26:24 10/11/22) 5psi would be plenty. 3psi would be better. That's a very low pressure system,even
free flow would be sufficient on level terrain.

Thank you & I thought it was 5psi & i know its gravity fed but I needed to be sure.
Mechanical pumps might still be
available. Look at Airtex #40600 and
Carter M73015. If you really want
electric look at E8016S.

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