450-D Carburetor Question


Should gas run out of a 450-D carburetor if you open the drain valve when you have it stopped and in the gas position. Yesterday my 450-D wouldn't run on gas when I put it away. I opened the drain valve and no gas came out. So I cleaned the fuel bowl and screen above the bowl. The screen was pretty dirty. I then checked the fuel input to the carburetor and it had good fuel flow. But still only a few drops at the carburetor drain. This morning I checked for spark and it was good. So I tried to start it and it started right up and ran normally on gas. Later I put it away by shutting the gas valve off and switched it to gas. It ran normally and stopped after about 1 minute. I like to run it out of gas before putting it away for the winter. I have had this tractor for 35 years and an MD for 50+ years and never had a carburetor issue on any of my gas start diesels. Just curious if gas should flow out of the carburetor drain if tractor is stopped and is switched to the gas side. Thanks Al
Thanks for the reply. I am aware that the is fuel shut off when on diesel side by holding float closed. What might be happening is the drain valve had not been opened for the 35 years I owned the tractor and maybe 60+ years sine the tractor was new. So maybe there is sediment in the bottom of the carb so that the fuel just drips out when opened with the system on the gas side. Apparently my original problem was the screen in the fuel tank bowl being blocked. But at least my 450-D is back running on gas again. Thanks. Al

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