Banana Weights


I have heard of these style of weights just on the MM forum. I am interested in knowing what they are, and what they look like. Is it just a MM thing or did other brands have "Banana Weights" as well
If you do a search on ebay for tractor weights they should come up as there was 3 weights for sale in eastern Iowa. I'm just starting in the MM world and think they started with the jetstar tractors and atleast went to the 670 series. I took some measurements the other day like 2" thick, 7" tall and 27" long or close to this. They hang off each other from a lip on the top/back side and are retained to each other from a bolt on the bottom side. I lucked out and traded for three of them that were on an Oliver tractor for a three piece set that the oliver should have had on it. chris
They started with the 5Star. Possibly UB Special. I'm not sure. I've seen them on a UB Secial, but they might have been fabricated by the owner.

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